Thursday, February 16, 2006

Not much to report on today. Pretty normal day-- school, Target run, home, cleaning, solving fights, etc. When Ben came home we went to Treetops park for a picnic dinner until the ranger came and kicked us out (park closes at sundown which was 6:12 today, apparently, and the ranger was by at 6:14 to tell us to leave!). We went to another park and afterwards drove around for a while, to the grocery store to get a few necessities, to the missionaries because they needed a ride to someone's house, to the gas station, and then pretty much home. Thank goodness the boys were asleep by the time we came home.
Lets see. Oh, there was one interesting thing-- when we were on our way to the missionaries' apartment, Joseph started singing a song. Can you guess what it was about? Yup, you guessed it, poop! This song went on and on-- Joseph and Brigham both took turns making up verses. The verses went something like this: "Pooping at home, pooping at school, pooping on the dog, pooping on the cat, every day everyone poops! Pooping on the potty, pooping in your undies, pooping on the bed, pooping outside, poop is everywhere!" Anyway, you get the picture. And the whole time, when one boy was singing, the other boy was laughing hysterically. I'm really not sure what to do about this. I think it is very normal 4-year-old behavior. If I had only ONE 4 year old, my tactic would be to ignore him completely and this would probably end the problem. However, with 2, each one gets exactly the response he wants from the other, so the thing just keeps going and going! But I have a feeling if I get after them about it too much, it will only become a bigger problem. Any advice? I guess my plan is to ignore it as much as possible when the singing or poop-talking only occurs at home or in the car. But if it starts happening in public, I'll get after them. Why can't they be singing about dinosaurs or even Spiderman and Batman??
Oh, and here is a PSA for all of you out there: If you have a numb leg, be very careful when shaving your legs. I now have a nice big cut on the back of my right knee. It is ugly, but hey, at least it doesn't hurt!!! (You know, numb and all...)
All right, I'm going to bed. I'm going to try very hard to be in a better mood tomorrow. It is outing day so that at least is something to look forward to.

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