Wednesday, November 16, 2011

three things

1. I woke up the boys by blasting "In the Hall of the Mountain King" from the Peer Gynt Suite.  That's a pretty sure-fire way of getting anyone up and moving.  Try it.

2. When it rains here in Texas (which it did yesterday morning, at least for a little while), these tiny little snails in conical shells emerge from where ever it is that they hide themselves.  Yesterday while I was at speech with Mosey, Joseph and Brigham went out and collected about 25 of them and put them in a glass cup.  I came home, and started clearing things up getting ready for dinner.  When I picked up the cup to put it in the sink, it was a nice little surprise to look down and find it crawling with these slimy little creatures.  Ewww.  I never did stuff like that when I was a kid.  :-)

3. I bought a bag of mixed in-shell nuts at Walmart the other night.  I made the mistake of putting them out on the table during math.  Math and nut-cracking are not compatible activities.  The boys don't even like nuts very much, but cracking nuts is another story.  The hand-held nutcracker is pretty hard-- it takes some dexterity and muscle.  So the boys found a better way-- wedging the nut between the door and the door jam (on the hinged side), and then closing the door.  It cracks the nut with a very satisfying crunch, sending fragments of shell scattering in all directions.  Irresistible.  And very messy. 


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