Wednesday, November 09, 2011

A Room Made of Windows

Several days ago I was ordering a book online when I happened to look down at the "customers who bought this item also bought" section. There, in front of my eyes, was the very book I've spent at least the past 3 years trying to find. It was my very favorite book when I was about 14. I remember putting it away in my book shelf alongside several other books that I was definitely going to keep my whole life. Well, sometime over the past 20 years that book disappeared. And I couldn't remember the name of it. Or the author. I knew it was some award-winner, and I scoured all the Newberry medal books for about 50 years trying to find that book. I knew I'd recognize the title or author if I ever saw it again. But no luck. So when I saw that book right there, I was so excited! I bought it right on the spot and it came in the mail today. Now that it's here, I'm a little hesitant to read it. Will it be as great as I remember it being? Probably not. But, it's a piece of my past and I'm happy to have it.
Oh yeah, it's "A Room Made of Windows" by Eleanor Cameron. It won the Horn Book Award in 1971.

1 comment:

Naomi said...

I remember that book! I loved it too! Wasn't the main character named Julia? I remember a scene where she goes to the symphony with her grandpa (I think) and the great description of watching the conductor shape the music. You'll have to tell me if you love it as much, once you summon the courage to read it :).