Tuesday, November 22, 2011

2.5 hours folding laundry

2.5 hours.  That's what happens when you wait until you have seven baskets of laundry to fold.  Yes, seven.  I'm determined to get all caught up before Rosalynde comes on Wednesday.
Today felt very unproductive to me, despite the 7 baskets of laundry folded.  I slept in-- until 8:00.  I'm giving the boys the week off of school, although they all have just a little bit left to finish from last week.  I thought I'd get so much extra stuff done today.  Instead, I got the bare minimum done, and no extras at all.  Oh well.  We had breakfast and scripture study, then I got the boys started on chores while I drove through some rain showers down to Ben's work to drop off a white shirt and tie for a presentation he forgot about.  Then back home to help Joseph and Brigham with the flute/violin Christmas duets they're working on.  I've had to transcribe a couple of the pieces up a few notes, and then re-wrote the violin part on all three because the violin part was really dumb.  So I finished that up, and then worked with Joseph and Brigham on learning their parts.  I made lunch and read some of one of our school books to them, and then it was time to go to horseback riding-- a makeup lesson for the one we're missing this weekend.  Brigham had a great riding lesson-- especially good after feeling quite discouraged about riding earlier in the day.  Joseph and Mosey explored around the ranch and found a runaway fluffy white rabbit which they managed to catch and return to its cage.  Joseph caught it by the scruff of its neck, and Mosey helped carry it by supporting it's back end.  Cute to see them working together.  After horseback riding, we stopped at Target to pick up a prescription, and then drove straight to flute where Joseph and Brigham worked on their duets.  Mosey and I talked strategy for how to handle my new primary class.  :-)  Then back again through 5:30 rush-hour traffic and home.  I made dinner-- black beans and rice and carrots, and then FHE and delivering thank-you muffins to a few people who helped Ben and I out with our Temple trip this last weekend, and then time for BED for the boys when we got home at 9:15 PM.   Cleaning up dinner and folding laundry occupied the rest of the evening and now I'm just stalling getting ready for bed.
Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to get done all those extra things I thought I'd have time for without school lessons?

1 comment:

Naomi said...

I don't know, I'd say that rewriting music qualifies as extras :).