Thursday, August 18, 2011

A Mosey Thursday

Today was a great day for Mosey (all the boys, but especially Mosey).  We went to our friend Traci's apartment building to go swimming with her son Joseph who is between Mosey's and the twins' ages.  We stayed for 4 hours!  Mosey finally got up the courage to jump into the deep end, and then did it over and over (and over and over) again.  Brigham practiced diving, and so did Mosey.  Mosey has the cutest dive.  He puts his hands together in a dive position, and then jumps in feet first.  :-)  Traci brought a package of water balloons which the boys all filled up and then threw at each other and into the pool and otherwise made a gigantic mess with little tiny fragments of popped water balloon.  And we even avoided (just barely, but still) a fist fight between Joseph and Brigham when Brigham became convinced that Joseph was stealing his water balloons, and so he stole one back.  These two have kind of been at each other's throats recently.  But still, no blood was shed, so all was well.
After swimming, the boys went up to Traci's apartment to see her 7 week old golden retriever puppy.  Those are the cutest puppies in the entire world.  So cute!!!  I think golden retrievers are the best dogs.  Too bad they grow up to be so big and hairy.  Still, those puppies are almost irresistible.
This evening Mosey had his belt ceremony and officially became a yellow belt in Tae Kwon Do.  Yay Mosey!
Here are some pictures.
This is last Friday at the testing.  He's sitting, nervously waiting for his group to be called up.

Front kick!

Darn it!  I missed the focus on this fantastic picture.  Here he is running back after acing (and knowing it) his yellow belt testing.  

Got the focus this time, but not the awesome expression.

High block (I think-- I can never remember the names for the exact forms).

And here he is tonight, getting his yellow belt.  We accidentally came a half hour early, but the instructor put him with the tiger cubs (the younger group) getting their belts, so we didn't have to wait.  I liked this better anyway, only 3 kids, short and sweet!

And here they are doing the "belt throw" after donning their new belts.  I love how earnest and enthusiastic Mosey is about Tae Kwon Do.

Afterward, we went to HEB (another way to get attention-- be an adorable 7 year old wearing a Tae Kwon Do outfit and black long-horn cowboy boots :-)), did a little shopping, and got a smoothie at Maui Wowi, and THEN, Mosey got an "Instant Winner!" ticket when he cashed in his Buddy Bucks.  He took the coveted sticker to the customer service desk where he collected his HEB Buddy giant eraser for his prize.  What a lucky boy!

When we got home, I started making a gourmet meal of macaroni and cheese (Hey!  It was the super-gourmet Kraft Homestyle Macaroni and Cheese!), which, I must admit, I also made for lunch yesterday. It hasn't been a great summer for dinners.  I can't think about cooking when it is over 100 degrees outside.  Brigham was slightly crestfallen that Mosey got a smoothie at HEB.  "I would have come to his belt ceremony if I would have known you were getting smoothies!"  I told him it was really a special treat just for Mosey for getting his yellow belt, and then Brigham said, "Oh, OK.  And anyway, I got macaroni and cheese yesterday for lunch yesterday AND today for dinner, so I really don't have anything to complain about!" 
My Brigham is easy to please.  Heavenly Father, thank you for sending me a child who is thrilled when he gets macaroni and cheese two days in a row.  :-)

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