Wednesday, August 31, 2011

20 seconds of fame on Good Day L.A.

So, we're finally back from CA after a wonderful, fantastic trip that will get its own post pretty soon.
As we were going through security at LAX yesterday morning, Brigham noticed a bunch of news cameras up near the security lines.  We went up the elevator to the screening area, and there were a couple of reporters and a bunch of cameras.  Hmm, we wondered what that was about?  After I showed the TSA guy my ID and our boarding passes, we were headed over to the X-ray machines when one of the camera guys stopped us and asked me if I'd be willing to be interviewed on-camera.  OK, sure, why not?  We had time since we weren't rushing to get to our flight (there are some benefits to being early for your flight-- like getting to be on TV!).  We talked to the reporter for a couple of minutes about airport security since 9/11, and then were on our way.
I didn't know if any of my interview would make it on air, but they showed 20 seconds of my boys and I!  We're famous.  :-)  Except for the fact that they got my name wrong.  Danielle!  What the heck?  They even asked my name and verified the spelling-- the guy put it on his i-phone and I double-checked it!  Oh well.
Here's the video:
We're at about 1:09, if you want to see us.  :-)
As soon as the interview was over, I thought of lots of other things I could have said about TSA screenings (the time they singled out Brigham as a baby for the extra-special search, or the time my 6-year-old Mosey touched me on the arm after he had gone through security, but before I had my pat-down, so they automatically had to subject him to a full-body pat-down, too-- such logic and common sense among the TSA folks!), but since they whittled down the interview to 20 seconds, I don't think it mattered much what I said. 
So, I guess I still get 14:40 left on my 15 minutes.  :-)


Dave Sloan said...

Gabrielle, you are so beautiful, Even on camera, which I always let myself think adds 10 pounds. Not for you, though!

Dave Sloan said...

Whoops, that was Naomi, not Dave.