Friday, August 12, 2011

I'm here, I'm here, I'm here!

We've been back from our Texas/New Mexico/Utah/Colorado/back to New Mexico/back to Texas road trip since Monday, but I haven't had enough time to write a blogworthy post.  This is not a blogworthy post, either, but since my sister Naomi called me this afternoon wondering if something terrible was happening since I have not updated my blog, I thought I'd better at least check in and document the continued existence of the Texas Turner family. 
The trip was fabulous, everything I wanted and needed!  We drove more than 4,100 miles!  We saw lots of things!  Namely Chaco Canyon Indian ruins, Mesa Verde, Arches, Grandma and Grandpa Frandsen, Manti Temple, Provo, Coleville Canyon, more than 100 extended family members including Grandma and Grandpa Hansen, all of mama's siblings but one, and lots and lots of my own cousins and lots and lots of my cousins' children!, Grandma Jackee and Grandpa Kent, Turner cousins, Mt. Timpanogos Temple, Thanksgiving Point, Seven Peaks, Rocky Mountains, Denver, Garden of the Gods, Pikes Peak, Roswell, Carlsbad Caverns, and the Garden of Eden that is currently West Texas.  Just kidding.  Well, we saw West Texas (too much of it), but it's kinda pretty much the exact opposite of the Garden of Eden right now.   :-)
Since then I've been doing laundry, getting back into the swing of practicing with the boys, trying to finish my organization projects and get things ready for school lessons to start back up in a couple of weeks.  Phew! 
It's still blazing, horribly hot here.  A picture has been floating around the internet that pretty much says it all in a nutshell:

I'm complaining about it, believe me, but also counting my blessings and praying for the many people in this part of the country that are facing economic hardship and ruin because of this unrelenting heat and drought.  :-(

Mosey's pretty serious about switching to cello, or at least trying it out for a while, so I took him down to Blackerby's today to rent a 1/4 size cello.  I have a teacher lined up who will come to our house to teach, which will be really great.  One more place to drive to during the week might do me in.  :-)  He's almost done with Suzuki book 1 in violin, so I'm still wondering if he's going to get disheartened by having to start all over again with the cello.  On the other hand, he might find it easier since he's already so familiar with all the pieces.  We'll see!

I think that's it for now.  I have a bunch of pictures that I took on our trip.  I have uploaded them to the computer, but I haven't had a moment even to go through them, and I don't want to chronicle our trip without pictures.  Which people are probably grateful for since my road trip logs are probably absolutely deadly boring to anyone else who wasn't actually on the trip!

Until next time!


Jill T said...

I'm sad we weren't able to get together! Next time... I'm glad you had a good trip.

Naomi said...

Yea! Nothing horrible has happened!