Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Happy birthday to me!

Yep, today was the big day.  The last day of August (I always liked my birthday-- thank you Mama for waiting until 12:05 AM to have me so I could have a cool birthday!).  I am now... gulp... 35!  Which means I am NO longer in my early 30's.  My age rounds up to 40, which really seems impossible.  I just spent the last few days with my little sister who is a senior in high school, and I swear I just graduated a couple of years ago!  Is growing older as bizarre for everyone else as it is for me??
Today was a good birthday.  My boys were pretty darn good!  I got phone calls from family members, wonderful emails, and about 50 birthday wishes on Facebook.  (Makes me feel guilty that I'm such a crummy Facebook friend.  I feel sorry for anyone who friends me, because I post something about twice a year.) 
We had piano lessons this afternoon, and then we all went out to eat at a Chinese restaurant close by.  And then went for shaved ice at GBJB's in lieu of a birthday cake (I just made two cakes 9 days ago, and about half of each of them are still in our freezer).  Then we went home and watched Tangled.  I loved it!  And my boys watched it, too!  Joseph hid underneath my desk (we watched it on Netflix from my computer) whenever he even slightly suspected there might be a "kissy" scene.  I guess I've still got a couple of years left of girls being icky.  :-)
And now I'm going to bed.
Good night everyone!

1 comment:

StrykerLOVE said...

Happiest Late birthday! I forgot we really are that close in b-days!! I hope it was a good one. And I am serious - you plan a girl 'cousin' camp and I will be there :-)!