Sunday, February 20, 2011

Weekly letter

My mom and dad and most of my siblings write weekly family letters.  I've mostly just written on my blog, but my brother Christian can't get on blogs on his mission, so I sent an actual email, instead.  Since I'm too tired to write something different here, here is the letter I wrote.
It's really boring.  My life isn't boring to me, but it sure sounds boring when I write about it!  I need to work on having funnier, more interesting things happen in my life so I can write blog posts about them.  :-)

Hi everyone,
Hey!  I'm writing a letter!  I'm flirting with the idea of a weekly letter like the rest of you, for Christian's sake.  Since I know he's dying to know every detail of my life.
This week has been alright.  I'm tired.  I don't get enough sleep.  I could probably get enough sleep if I really tried.  The thing is, I don't like sleeping!  I've been thinking about why, in my whole entire life, since about the age of 10, I haven't really gotten enough sleep.  It's all (mostly) self-inflicted, subtracting the months of little babies.  I just don't like sleeping.  It feels like a giant waste of time.  You can't get anything done when you're asleep!  :-)  Bedtime comes, and I can think of 100 other things I would rather be doing.  Morning comes, and I'm tired, but even then, I don't like sleeping in (sometimes I do, accidentally).  I'd rather get up and do something!  I think I never grew out of the phase of childhood where you hate to sleep. 
I have a couple of sons who apparently share my dislike of sleep, and I see the consequences during the day, and I'm sure I must demonstrate those same symptoms (grumpiness, mainly).  I get so stressed out when my boys don't go to sleep on time, but then I don't make much of an effort to get myself to sleep on time!
I fancy myself to be pretty self-disciplined, but at least in this one area, I'm nothing but a slouch.  :-)
So.  What happened this last week?
Monday I was sick.  I think it probably was a result of accumulated sleep-deficit.  Nothing got done that day.
Tuesday I was better!  I attempted to get my kids to do schoolwork and practicing.  It mostly got done.  Brigham and Joseph had scouts in the afternoon.  This week is the blue and gold banquet where they will get their Bear.  Joseph told me yesterday he wants to get his Eagle before he's 14.  Yikes!  I really don't think I'm that ambitious.  While the boys were at Scouts, Mosey and I went to the grocery store.  He's a good little helper.  Tuesday night I went to a parenting seminar with my friend Kellie.  It was about relating to kids with ADHD and ODD (oppositional defiant disorder).  None of my boys have either of these, but defiance is definitely something I encounter fairly regularly, and I can use some help!  It was a good seminar and I learned a few things and got re-motivated for some other things.  Then Kellie drove me home and we sat in her car talking for an hour, so I was up too late again.  :-)
Wednesday I again attempted to get my kids to do schoolwork and practicing.  It mostly got done.  In the afternoon was our homeschool group Valentines Party.  It was supposed to be at one of the other mom's home, but about 1:00 PM she called me to let me know that 2 of her kids were not earning the privilege of attending the party, and could we have it at my house?  Yes, of course.  I could hear the discouragement in her voice and really felt for her.  Boy, have I been there.  The party was pretty fun.  I made sugar cookies and frosting and the kids decorated cookies, drank HiC fruit punch, ate cheetos, and went wild.  And I got to talk with 2 other adults.  Win-win!  After the party, I drove Mosey and Joseph up to HEB.  Mosey had bought himself a Megablox Dragon when we were there on Tuesday, and Joseph was itching to get himself one.  So Joseph got one, and Mosey got another one.  They make their own money, and I let them buy things when they want them, but those two in particular have a hard time holding on to their money.  Should I institute a mandatory savings plan? 
Thursday I again attempted to get my kids to do schoolwork and practicing.  It got about half done.  Piano lessons in the afternoon, and then I took the boys up to HEB for the 3rd time in as many days.  This time, Brigham wanted to get a dragon!  So he got one, and Mosey walked out with another one.  The past few days they've been playing with the dragons non-stop.  We really don't need any more plastic toys in the house, but I sure do love seeing them play well together.  I wanted Mosey to do his violin practicing before I took him to HEB (using that as a carrot to do good practicing and to get it done quickly), but he promised he would do good practicing after we went to HEB.  Never listen to the promises of 7 year olds.  He was a total pill about practicing.  I confiscated the new dragon for the night, to his extreme distress.
Friday morning Mosey repented, gave me a good practicing session, and he got his dragon back.  He mostly likes practicing, but sometimes he gets in this mood where he's bound and determined to do anything except cooperate.  Horseback riding in the afternoon.  Nothing much else noteworthy that day.
Saturday was chore day.  I attempted to get my car inspected (2 months overdue, I'm tempting fate every time I get in the car), but the car place was too busy.  Joseph and I went on a massive Walmart shopping trip, replenishing our hall closet 3 months food supply.  Joseph was a good helper-- we had to take 2 trips since the ride-on carts have such small baskets, and he loaded every single bag into the cart, from the cart to the car, from the car inside the house, and then got it all about 1/2 put away.  He's been a really good boy this week.
Today was church.  After church I had to make a bunch of phone calls, asking a few people to help me with a Relief Society activity in a couple of weeks.  That's my least favorite part of my calling-- having to ask other people to do stuff. 
And that's it. 
This was such an incredibly boring re-telling of my week.  That's why my blog has been sparse lately.  Stuff happens, I'm really busy, but the retelling of it actually makes me *want* to go to sleep.  :-)
I can't wait to hear of baby CiCi's arrival sometime this week (I hope!), to add to the overflowing birthday week.  Happy Birthday to Benjamin and Daddy and Polly! 
I love you all,

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