Monday, February 21, 2011

A good day

I have a brand-new niece!! Celia Eleanor Sloan, 2nd daughter to Naomi and Dave was born tonight at 6:58 PM. I have a soft-spot in my heart for 2nd daughters. Watch out Naomi, you could be raising another Gabrielle. :-)
Also, today was a great day for my boys! It was an especially awesome day for Joseph. He was such a wonderful kid today. This is why I get tied up in knots over him-- I KNOW the kid that is inside there! He is wonderful and happy. I just need to help Joseph free him.
Yesterday after church the boys were waiting for Ben and I to finish up in a meeting, and they found a nest of rolly-pollys (technically wood-lice, but that's such a yucky name). They put a bunch of them in a ziplock bag full of orange peels and brought them home. They seem very happy in the orange peels, and the boys had lots of fun with them today. They got out paint pens and marked on the backs of some of them to keep track of which ones were which. Joseph put them on a piece of paper, and then tracked them using a pencil, seeing if they all take the same route over the paper. I'm a little worried I'm going to find dessicated rolly-pollys on the floor after a couple of days, but it's fun for the boys.
The weather was beautiful today and I decided to scrap spelling and typing and greek and latin roots and let them play outside. They jumped on the trampoline and rode bikes and scooters and dug in the dirt and turned over rocks looking for millipedes and centipedes. All good boy-stuff.
And I found a flute teacher for Joseph! We're going to go for a trial lesson next Monday. I was trying to find a male teacher, which isn't so easy for the flute (well, I think it isn't easy for any instrument). I found one who is a grad student at UT, from France. I hope he will work out. Joseph is so excited to play. We went to the music store to find out about renting a flute, but it is $30/month, with a 3 month minimum rental, and I get get a new flute on Amazon for not a lot more than that, so I'm not sure what to do. I'm sure the rental is probably a better quality instrument, but does it matter that much for a beginner? I need to do more research.
I fully intended to get my camera out today and take pictures of the rolly-polly racesl, or the boys jumping on the trampoline, or something, but it never happened. Instead, I will leave with some beach pictures from our Florida trip (which I'm still working on almost 4 months later).


Kelly said...

Gabby, I just love your photography! You really are amazing. That photo of Joseph is priceless. The other two pics are excellent, but I'm drawn more toward the clear, delightful closeup. Nice job!

StrykerLOVE said...

The rolly polly thing makes me laugh because late this fall my tv remote started rattling and when I opened the back I found all these dried dead rolly polly bugs my daughter for some inexplicable reason had stored there!

Fernando Solis Eguiza said...

El NiƱo Y Tu Pilin