Thursday, May 10, 2007

May 10, 2007

Why is it that towards the end of school time just seems to accelerate?? At least, it does for me. Probably not the same for the kids... Only 9 school days left. I'm hoping we can establish a really good summertime routine so we don't all drive each other crazy.
Joseph missed half of school today as it was. I thought he had a urinary tract infection. He was in so much pain last night and this morning, tears just streaming down his face every time he tried to go to the bathroom. I took him to Urgent Care this morning and after 10 minutes and lots of tears he was able to get about 1/2 an ounce for the urine analysis. But it came back perfectly clean!! The doctor examined him and he looked fine. So he gave us a urology referral just in case things didn't resolve themselves. I was very frustrated because poor Joseph clearly had a VERY full bladder (he really hadn't gone at all since yesterday after school). Anyway, on the way home he told me to pull over because he just couldn't hold it anymore. We found a tree, and he was actually able to go! And once he started going, it didn't hurt anymore. A miracle. He was SO relieved (yeah, I know, bad pun), and so was I. We stopped for happy meals on the way home and had a picnic with Brigham at the school, and Joseph decided he was well enough to stay for the rest of school. Poor little guy! But I'm glad it is all better now. I wonder what that was all about?
Brigham has been chosen for Principal's Pride for the month of May. I believe this is something like student of the month. Students are nominated in certain areas, and Brigham is getting Principal's Pride for Creativity, which doesn't surprise me! So Monday is the award ceremony and he's looking forward to it. Joseph had received the citizenship award in December at our old school, and Brigham had asked me a few times when he was going to get an award, and I just kept telling him I am sure he will sometime, but maybe not this year since there are lots of students in the school. So anyway, this works out very nicely for my two very competitive boys!! We also discovered that Brigham has three loose teeth! Yay!! He's been waiting for this for so long. They are just a little bit loose, so it will probably still be quite a while before he loses any, but Brigham is excited anyway. Of course Joseph had to show him up again by getting three of his six year molars. My boys are growing up... :-(
Mosey has been bitten by the puzzle bug, much like Brigham was at his age. He has a ten piece Dora puzzle that he just puts together and breaks apart over and over. He is doing it for the 10th time today right now. He is also getting so good at his numbers! He can recognize all of them by sight (although he gets T and I mixed up), and yesterday while we were waiting at Tae Kwon Do, I had brought a magna doodle for him and he surprised me again by being able to draw several letters by himself! He can do A, O, Q, M, N, C, E, J, S, and is working really hard on B and G. Truly, I can't take any credit. I really think it is due to the Alphabet Power Blues Clues DVD that he loves (ducking my head in shame here).
I've been doing pretty well recently, although I get very frustrated with myself. So you all know by now that the major source of stress in my life is my continuing pathetic efforts to keep the house clean (Yeah, I know, if this is the main source of stress in my life, I've got it pretty good! And I do.). This week I have sort of observed myself. I just have such a hard time buckling down and getting it done. On Monday I was determined to get the house totally clean. So what did I do? I spent 2 hours gathering up and organizing the books in the boys' bedroom. Yeah, the book case looks great and it is much easier to find books, but that probably wasn't the best use of my time. And then on Tuesday, with the same goal in mind, I found myself separating out about 6 different 100 piece puzzles that had all gotten mixed up together and putting them together so I could find out which ones are missing pieces, and also just to separate them again. Took me about 4 hours. Again, not the best use of time. My problem is that I am such a compulsive person at times. I start cleaning up, and then I see these puzzles scattered all over the floor, and it drives me crazy to just put them all in a box to separate out later. I have to separate them out NOW. Or the books. I'm picking up the boys books and I just can't bring myself to just stack them any which way in the book case, I just HAVE to sit down and organize them all. There's nothing wrong with that except that this is what I'm doing while the floors are a disgrace and the boys bathroom? Well, I don't even want to walk in there. And my car. It is SUCH a mess, and there is a suspiciously bad smell somewhere in the back... So what am I doing today? Well, writing an email update because it has been so long and I feel guilty and I guess it is just easier to procrastinate.
Ugh. I guess I just still need my mommy here to keep me on task!
I think Ben has been more successful in his daily pursuits than I have been in mine. He is dealing with some interesting and challenging employee issues. I think he is doing a really good job considering the delicacy of some of these issues. And I think he still likes his job. Right Ben? I want him to take a Tae Kwon Do class also. He can go Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:00-7:45 PM, but so far he hasn't been able to do it. Last Tuesday he spent a half hour trying to find the place. Last Thursday he wanted to stay home and watch the Republican debates. This Tuesday he didn't get home from work until after 7 PM, and I dont' know about tonight. I will encourage him to go. I'm sure he is exhausted after working all day, but I think a non-work, non-family diversion would be a good thing for him.
Ok, well I have 2 hours before it's time to get the boys from school and I am REALLY going to get something USEFUL done around here!!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I can totally relate to the cleaning concerns. It's so hard to get it all clean at once. I get side-tracked on little projects like you do too. It's so hard to do it all.

Don't you close on your house on about Friday? Good luck with that!