Monday, May 13, 2013

05/12/2013 Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to my beautiful, brave, brilliant mother.

I had a very nice day.  I slept in, woke up, dressed, got in the car that my boys had cleaned inside and out, went to church, listened to all my boys singing with the primary (the very LAST time they will all be up there!), ate delicious cookies that the young men brought (I have to say I prefer cookies over roses :-)), went home, went to an Austin Civic Orchestra concert with Brigham (his teacher is a violist in the orchestra), came home again, took our annual mother's day pictures with the boys, ate dinner, talked to my mom on the phone, and got my seminary lesson ready.  I am one lucky mama.
I adore the forest area next to our house.  So many pretty places to take pictures, if you can brave the fire ants.  :-)

I had to include this last one-- Sandy photobomb!  :-)

1 comment:

Naomi said...

Beautiful pictures, old and new. I'm remembering that I wanted to have Dave take some Mother's Day pictures too, but it didn't happen. Grrr. Maybe next Sunday... I didn't look nearly as pretty as you anyway :).