Friday, September 16, 2011


The boys were so good today. 
They all did their schoolwork quickly and without complaint (well, for the most part :-)).  Practicing was done promptly.  No arguments about going to Tae Kwon Do, or doing chores, or really, anything else.  And they got along famously.  I had to go to the post office (to mail in my traffic ticket fine) in the afternoon, so I called upstairs to ask if anyone wanted to come with me.  "No, mom, we're playing!" came the answer.  They were all upstairs, involved in some very intense imaginary play, running from one room to the next, and then running downstairs and into the backyard.  Mosey was muttering some spells under his breath, so maybe some kind of magic game?  I'm not sure, but I so love seeing them play together like that.  They are such good friends most of the time-- and all day today.  I worry sometimes about depriving them of the experience of having "best friends" at school, but then I see them on days like today, and I see that they *are* best friends, and my doubts slip away.  And they will always have each other-- these won't be schoolmate best friends that move away, or grow apart, or turn mean, or anything else. 
After dinner I was reading to them and they were all three in the playroom, building a village with blocks and lincoln logs.  Then they went upstairs to go to bed.  I heard quite a bit of laughing and talking, so I called up to them, "Time to go to sleep!"  Joseph called back down, "We're not tired, so we have to make ourselves sleepy!"  I'm pretty doubtful that all the giggling and wiggling was actually helping them to calm down and fall asleep.  :-)  They were all 3 in the same room, which they still prefer most of the time.  These are the days that make up for the fist-fights (not too many, thankfully) and bickering.
Tomorrow we may be back to fist fights and bickering, but today was perfect.  I'm so happy I get to be a mom.

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