Thursday, June 30, 2011

swimming and swords

The boys and I spent the afternoon of this hot, hot, hot day in the pool.  They had fun experimenting with different hairstyles.  I remember doing that as a kid! 

Brigham is getting his hair just-so.

And doesn't he look suave?

Here's Joseph's "faux-hawk."  He tried to make it stay that way by spraying it with hair spray as soon as he got out of the pool.

It looks a little more like a unicorn horn I think.

Mosey's hair isn't too crazy here-- just cute.

Now this, on the other hand, I'm not sure what to call it!

Joseph lost another tooth today-- his first molar! (Look for the extra space on the right.)

When I zoomed in on this picture in photoshop, I thought it was cool how you can see the reflection of me holding up my camera, wearing a black hat, most of the pool behind me (yes, I had my very expensive camera in the pool-- I like to live dangerously), and the rail to the pool steps on the left.  Cool!

Later on, I took Joseph and Mosey to Tae Kwon Do.  There is a Tae Kwon Do place pretty close to our house offering a summer special-- uniform and full week of classes for $20.  Mosey's been asking to do TKD since last fall, so I took him yesterday morning.  He loved it, and when he came home wearing his uniform and practicing his side kicks, Joseph decided he wanted to give it another try.  So I took him and Mosey this evening and Joseph loved it, too!  He thinks he may want to start back up.  This is so funny to me, since Joseph was the one who SO didn't want to do TKD anymore 3 years ago.  Kids change I guess!  He could start back up as a blue belt, but he said he wants to start again so he can be in the same class as Mosey.  Isn't that sweet?
It was so fun to see the two of them come home and spend the next hour sparring with each other.  It didn't take long before the swords came out.  The TKD place actually offers some sword classes, so maybe the boys will want to give that a try sometime.

Brigham is really serious about his sword-play.  When Joseph and Mosey came home from TKD, the first thing Mosey said was, "Brigham, you really missed out!"  We'll see if Joseph and Mosey can wear him down to start up again, too.

It was just a minute or two after this picture was taken when Mosey accidentally dropped his sword after a particularly vigorous lunge.  When he turned to pick it up, Brigham "cut off his arm."  (They really are serious, and keep track of things like that.)  Mosey was furious, and started after Brigham trying to beat him on the back.  Brigham ran, I yelled, and Mosey stomped off into the house.  Ah well, all fun things must come to an end, I suppose.  :-)

1 comment:

Mama said...

I'd swim every day if I had your boys to swim with - so much fun!!! As it is, our pool has not been used even once this summer - shameful :(