Sunday, June 12, 2011

A couple of things

The boys are going to bed right now.  Supposedly.  Aren't the voices and laughter of a mother's children supposed to delight and gladden her heart?  Somehow after a certain hour of the night the voices and laughter of my children turn me into an anxious wreck.  GO TO SLEEP!!!!!!!

In my quest for funny little things to remember about the boys, here are a few.
Mosey has picked up a really charming new conversational technique recently.  It goes something like this:
Me:  "Mosey, where is your violin?  It's time to practice."
Mosey:  "It is where it is!"
Me:  "I'm serious, Mosey, where did you put it?  It's your turn to practice."
Mosey:  "I put it where I put it."
Me:  "Yes, I know, Mosey, but WHERE is did you put it?"
Mosey:  "I don't know, it is where it is!"
These kinds of conversations are soooo funny.  Not.
I'm going to have to use this one against him.
Mosey:  "Mom, where is my falcon lego plane?  I've been looking everywhere for it!"
Me: "It is where it is!"
Mosey:  "Mom, when are we going to have lunch?"
Me:  "We'll have it when we have it."
Mosey:  "How many more math problems do I have to do?"
Me:  "You have to do as many as you have to do!"
We'll see how much he likes that!  :-)

Joseph likes to ask me at very random times: "Mom, am I annoying?"  Well, he's usually not annoying.  But after the 514th time he's asked me if he's annoying, my answer starts to change.  :-)
Joseph also likes hot chocolate.  Even on 103 degree days.  

Brigham found a battery on the floor yesterday.  He asked me, "Mom, can I play with this?"  Without thinking too much I said, "OK."  Then I realized who was asking me.  "You can play with it, but you can't take it apart."
"Because it has chemicals inside that will burn your skin."
"Oh.  Can I puncture it with a screwdriver?"
"Can I burn it?"
"Can I put it in the microwave?"
"Can I smash it with a hammer?"
(Thinking for a while) "Well, can I put it in some water and freeze it?
"Yes!  Yes, you can put it in water and freeze it."
So he put the battery in a glass of water and put it in the freezer, and then joyfully showed everyone his frozen cup of battery water a few hours later.
"Mom, can I melt it?"
"Sure," (again remembering who I'm talking to) "But you can't put it in the microwave!!"
Brigham, you are a funny child.  Scary sometimes, but funny.  :-)


Kellie said...

Yes... I love these. The joys of living in a boy house.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! I can relate! Always having to think two steps ahead of them!