Friday, June 24, 2011

Lake park pictures

Mister's doing pretty well these days.  He does a lot of this:
and this:
(the boys have now dubbed this "Mister's couch")
But he's happy and eating and NOT running away, and being a pretty darn good dog.

Tonight after Ben got home from work we went to the lake park.  Joseph wanted to fish.  There WAS still some water down there, which surprised me a little considering how far down the lake has dropped, and he spent an hour or so fishing for bluegill.  No bites tonight, but he's patient.  Next time.
Brigham climbed trees and collected rocks.  He's my biggest collector.  He had a pile of about 30 rocks by the time we had to go home.  He asked me if he should take all of them, and I told him to choose the best three.  "But how can I choose, mom?  It's such a shame to leave any of them here!"  Which is why we have approximately 3,924 rocks in various "treasure boxes" around our house.  :-)
Mosey did some sword-fighting with the light saber he brought with him, and then poked at a dessicated old turtle skeleton.  Yuck, but cool for little boys I guess.
And then I attempted to take some pictures of him.  Mosey's hard to take pictures of recently-- always on the move.  And also because whenever I point the camera at him, I tend to get a lot of this:
 And this:

 And this:
And this:
But I occasionally get this:
Silly, but super-cute.  Just like Mosey.

I also like this one:
He's all sweaty from running around in the 500 degree heat (not really, but it feels like it sometimes), and he's a little pouty, but those big dark eyes never fail to draw me in.

When Brigham came down from the tree he was climbing, I made him pose for some pictures, too.
I tried so hard to get an open-mouth smile here, but the only real one I caught ended up blurry.  He has a very sweet closed-mouth smile, though.
Brigham also got just a bit silly. He decided to do a little commercial for his Motts juice box.  Here he is, getting ready to enjoy a refreshing sip:

Savoring the first taste:

Looking heavenward in ecstasy:

And yes, the heavens have opened in pure Motts deliciousness:

No pictures of Joseph tonight-- he was out of camera-reach the whole time.  Plus he needs a haircut just about as bad and he's ever needed one-- you can't really even see his eyes anymore.  :-)  He's got a date with a pair of scissors first thing in the morning.
Brigham offered to take a picture of my black eye.  Now my purplish-greenish-yellowish eye.  And while it's certainly colorful, I'm still not posting any pictures of it on my blog.  :-) 

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