Wednesday, June 09, 2010


I woke up last night around 1:30 AM to the sound of thunder and rain pounding down on the roof. It rained all night and all morning and didn't stop until about 1:00 PM.
It was also the last day of the boys' Cub Scout camp. They canceled the morning activities, and I drove them down at noon so they could go to the museum at the Army base, and have their closing ceremonies under the pavilion.
That left this morning free! We went to the free kids movies and saw Planet 51. When I asked Mosey which he liked better, Planet 51 or The Spy Next Door (which we saw yesterday at the same free kids summer movies deal), he said, "Well, Planet 51 is more action packed, but The Spy Next Door had a more complicated plot, so it's hard to decide." Yeah, I guess that sums it up, Mr. Ebert!
I realized on the way that we'd have to skedaddle out of the movie to get to the camp on time, so we stopped at a Shell Station (this is me NOT thinking ahead) to buy some snacks for their "lunch" before camp. Cheetos and Sunny-D were the fare of choice for the boys. Mmmm, nutritious! :-)
Mosey and I did have one last afternoon together. Yesterday, after the movie, we went to HEB, where he scored a Webkinz horse for $1.99 (it was missing the tag with the Webkinz World code). I helped him construct a saddle, complete with stirrups for the horse, which he named Jackson (after his horseback riding lesson horse). This afternoon I helped him make a "police uniform" for Sniffer, the Build-a-Bear stuffed animal he got on Monday. We made it out of a sock, and I very carefully cut out tiny felt letters to spell out POLICE which we glued to the back of the "uniform." Mosey was very pleased, and I felt like a good mom. :-) Success!
After we picked up the boys from camp, we listened to a few more complaints from the big boys. I need to nip this complaining thing in the bud. They told us after the first day that they were the "only ones" who didn't catch a fish. And they were the "only ones" who didn't get to shoot their bottle rockets. Brigham was up in arms because one of the camp counselors was teaching about global warming. At least, that's how he interpreted it. Brigham has an extremely opinionated personality and I'm going to have to work with him on tolerating differences... Yesterday, one of the other groups "copied their skit," and then today, Joseph was the "only one" who couldn't find his wooden space ship he decorated. This last one may be true. Actually, it all may be true, but the complaining after the fact doesn't help with having a good attitude. I guess I'm glad that they have these experiences if only so that I can identify things I need to work with them on. Or, I guess, "things on which I need to work with them." (I think the rule against ending sentences with prepositions is stupid. :-))
Tonight we did a big clean-up of the house (again, more complaining, but it did get done), and Ben is working late. Almost 11:00, not home yet...
So, that was our day. I'm off to put away laundry and go to bed myself.

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