Thursday, June 24, 2010

Because we really didn't have enough

I took the boys to Target this afternoon to pick up some prescriptions and a birthday present for the party Mosey is invited to on Saturday.
While we were perusing the toy aisles, we came across some blocks on clearance. I saw Brigham's eyes go wide. If he were a dog, he would have been salivating. Blocks are like drugs for Brigham. He keeps needing more and more.
So, I bought some more blocks. At this point I'm wondering if there is any other household in America that owns as many building blocks as we do.
It's hard for me to say no, though. The boys use these blocks every single day. And they use *all* of them. If I buy more, they *will* get used. However, I think after this last purchase, our blocks boxes (say that one 10 times fast) are well and truly filled.
We'll see how long this latest fix lasts.

This isn't even all of the blocks. The bin behind Joseph is still probably a third filled with Kapla blocks. Really, we are a bunch of block gluttons.

1 comment:

Mama said...

How WONDERFUL!! It develops creativity and ingenuity, it requires sharing and cooperation, it keeps them occupied and engaged for hours at a time, and it fulfills that masculine need for magnificent destruction when they implode their structures -- it's a bargain, if you ask me!!!