Thursday, December 03, 2009

sick day for mom = fun day for kids

We've been passing around a stomach bug around here. Brigham and Moses had it on Sunday, Joseph had it on Monday, and I woke up with it early this morning. Nothing serious, just a serious case of the queasies. No one lost their lunch.
But I am also fighting off a cold, and between the two viruses, I was down and out for most of the day. Which meant no lessons for the boys. Except for piano practicing. That is non-negotiable.
And still, Joseph had the NERVE to say tonight, just before bed, "I didn't have any time to do anything fun today!"
Yeah. Take a look at the playroom right now and you'll see what a big fat fib that is! :-)
I'm feeling better now, though, so tomorrow we pick up that ball again.

I'm working my way through our Thanksgiving pictures.

Here's Miles eating a snack on the riverboat. I love this kid so much.

Mosey and Mara sharing a joke. Aren't her little braids cute?

Another one of smiley Miley. He got this soccer ball and spent about 5 minutes trying to stand up with it. He finally did, then plopped back down, lifted it up, and tried to eat it. Rosalynde and I cracked up, thinking about what must be going through his little mind: "Hmm, maybe I can fit this in my mouth if I try reeeeal hard!"

The two brothers, Jack and Miles. These two look the most alike of Rosalynde's four kids.

Rosalynde's oldest, Elena. She has the most beautiful blue eyes, the exact shade as her shirt. She is so affectionate and volunteered to come to our house as a stand-in-daughter so I could practice my french-braiding.

No solo picture of Mara, she's at that intensely-allergic-to-cameras stage. I took a few family pictures, and when those were done, she was D-O-N-E.


Mama said...

Bless you for always taking the time and making the effort (sometimes enormous, I know) to take pictures!! I love them -- I ACHE to be closer to my grandchildren, and your pictures make me feel like I am right there with them. I hope you feel better.

Jill T said...

Hope you're feeling better! Moms shouldn't get sick. Your Thanksgiving festivities look like a lot of fun. I'm glad you got to be with family. And if I would have been there, I would have tried all 3 pies too. They look so yummy!

Rosalynde said...

Oooh, I love them! Thank you so much, Gabrielle. You truly are the b-e-s-t.