Friday, December 25, 2009

If you have to get sick...

Christmas day isn't a bad day to choose.
On Tuesday night, Mosey started throwing up and he was sick all day Wednesday. Last night after we got the boys down, I started feeling it, too. Happily, Ben and I finished all the wrapping and preparations before the worst of the sickness hit. I dragged myself out of bed this morning (the boys slept in until *8:00*!!!) and lay on the couch to observe all the Christmas present-opening festivities, and then hit the hay for another 5 hours. I'm currently feeling *okay* after not eating anything for about 22 hours. I hope I'm the last one to get it.
Merry Christmas everyone!

1 comment:

Mama said...

And that, I submit, is a CELESTIAL ATTITUDE!! I am so sorry you were sick! I hope you are all well now and enjoying the post-Christmas euphoria. I love you!!