Saturday, October 17, 2009


The boys had conflicting soccer games again today, so Ben took Mosey to his game and I took the big boys to theirs. At their last game, Joseph and Brigham's team won 5:1. Today it was pretty much the inverse of that score... So sad! The other team was really good and they had 3 very tall, very good players who made some spectacular goals, so it was no shame to lose to them. But it is never fun to lose a game, and I think this is only the 2nd (or 3rd?) loss they've ever experienced. Joseph seemed to let it roll off his back pretty fast, but Brigham (my ultra-competitive boy) was very upset. Oh, the tears!!
Brigham is extremely sensitive about anything possibly being his fault. I don't necessarily blame him (no pun intended) because he is pretty conscientious and tries hard not to do anything wrong. But he can get a little obsessive over it sometimes. I think nearly all the times we've had to get after Brigham are when he is blaming someone else for something that was probably his fault. And whenever I give a general instruction like, "Please keep the legos off the kitchen floor," he'll immediately say, "It wasn't ME, mom!" Yes, Brigham, I know it wasn't you, I wasn't blaming anyone, just giving general advice...
Anyway, the goal keeper on the boys' team was understandably not having a very good time, and apparently he blamed Brigham for somehow being responsible for 3 of the goals. Which was of course ridiculous because Brigham was not playing defense and I'm sure had nothing to do with it. And it could be that the other boy didn't even really blame Brigham, but that's how Brigham took it. So there were many, many tears about that.
As sad as it was, however, I'm glad for them to get these smaller experiences of disappointment. Joseph started telling me how the other team "cheated a lot" and one of the boys was grabbing his hands, but I tried to shut that down and tell them that losing is no fun, and it's ok to feel sad, but it is no shame to lose to a better team.
Joseph was over it quickly, and after a cherry icee from Burger King, Brigham was feeling better, too. I hope all their disappointments in life will be equally easily resolved.

And I hope they win next week.


Mama said...

Oh yes, that tried and true "Icee therapy" -- it works almost every time! Good for you for NOT letting them get away with blaming the loss on foul play -- I HATE that about BYU fans -- every time they lose, it's ALWAYS the referees' fault... Losing is a part of life and almost always we learn more from losing than we do from winning. Which is good, because we lose more often than we win in this life :)Give them hugs from Grandma and tell them I am proud of them!! Love, mama

Kelly said...

As they get older, it will be easier for them to handle losing games. I like the way you teach your kids.

Abbie Nelson said...

Aww...poor kids. Ice cream n' pizza! They sound like terrific kids!