Saturday, July 18, 2009

We loved Harry Potter (no spoilers)

Ben and I took the boys to see the new Harry Potter movie yesterday afternoon. I thought by going to an afternoon showing the theater might not be so crowded. WRONG! It was very nearly sold out and we ended up sitting in the 2nd row, practically looking straight up at the screen. It was worth it, though.
I was very curious how the makers would make that extremely long and involved book into a coherent but not obscenely-long movie that still retained the important elements to make the last movie make sense.
Well, mission accomplished! Of course there were some changes. My boys asked me why they couldn't make it exactly like the book and I told them that unless you wanted to sit through a 25 hour movie, they had to change some things! LOL Not that I would have minded a 25 hour long movie, I just don't think I could watch it all at one sitting. :-)
I haven't read any of the reviews of the movie, and I don't care to. I actually hate reading or hearing negative reviews, by anyone, because it absolutely spoils the movie for me. I can't see anything except the negative things I read about.
I remember being disappointed when after the first 2 movies, the original Dumbledore died and they had to cast a new Dumbledore. But I thought Dumbledore was absolutely amazing in this movie, and I can't imagine anyone else being equal to the part. And I think Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint are better actors with each film.
My favorite, favorite scene was in the cave. I won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it so that's all I will say.
I also loved Lavender Brown, she was such a crack-up.
I know it was a great movie, because it kept me in my seat when I had to use the restroom sooooo bad. I was willing to risk embarrassing myself! (Happily, thanks to a very providently placed restroom right outside the door of the theater, all was well). AND, Mosey watched the whole movie (on my lap, which did not help the having-to-use-the-restroom thing) without asking me, "When is the movie going to be over?" Which he does during almost all movies, even ones he ends up really liking.
Anyway, I loved it, and now I want to spring for the $15 tickets to see it at the IMAX theater! But only if I remember to use the restroom right before the movie starts. :-)

P.S. If any of you did not love the movie like I did, please keep your opinion to yourself. Hey, it's my blog and I get to make the rules!! :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I actually never liked the casting for Dumbledore...I always wanted him a little more spritely. I always thought Patrick Stewart would've been the best!