Saturday, July 25, 2009

Preparedness documents

Here are the handouts I had available at our Preparedness enrichment night. I got all this information either from books I have, or from internet research. None of it is original to me, except for the 72-hour food suggestions list. I didn't site my sources on the documents, is that bad? Thank you internet, and books, for all your information!!!

3 month food supply list

Essential Documents List

72-hour kit food list

72-hour kit (non-food items)

Emergency car kit

First Aid Kit

FEMA Disaster Supply Kit

Internet Resources

Storing Water

Where to Store Your Food


StrykerLOVE said...

thank you for all this work - i would love to have a copy of all this. i have been feeling the need to get all this complete and done too. I was only able to access the essential document list... maybe you could ck to see if everything else is online? maybe its just my computer though. - will ck back later. - thanks again. I love it when I get to reap the work others have done and I've been needing a complete list on hand to get kits together!

Gabrielle said...

They work on my end. Anyone else having trouble? Whitney, I can email them to you if you give me your email address. Mine is gfturner at gmail dot com.

Anonymous said...

The problem with the links is that one must have a Google account in order to access them.

Gabrielle said...

OH,I see.
Well, get a google account! It's extremely easy, and free. You will not get any unwanted spam mail or anything. And then I can see who my anonymous comments are from!

Anonymous said...

Some of them aren't coming through. I could see the Essential Document list, but that's it.
I do have a Google account. Weird.