Friday, July 24, 2009

Back to college

Wow, this week I have felt like I was back in college.
Monday night I was up until 5:00 AM (well, Tuesday morning).
Tuesday night I was up until 12:30 AM (well, Wednesday morning).
Wednesday night I was up until 4:00 AM (well, Thursday morning).
13 1/2 hours of sleep divided between 4 days is NOT enough for me anymore!!
Last night I got home at about 10:00, and I literally could not get out of the van by myself. I called Ben from the garage, and he came down and carried me from the car into our bedroom.
I'm telling you, I am too old to do that anymore!!!
My first enrichment activity since being called to be enrichment counselor was last night. We did a preparedness theme, and as I was getting everything ready, I decided I needed to put my money where my mouth was, and actually do some of the things we were going to be teaching about. I've been getting several things done over the past few weeks, but this week I really wanted to finish a few more things before our activity on Thursday.
I learned that shopping for and putting together 72 hour kits for 5 people takes a VERY long time. That is not an easy FHE activity. I'm really happy to have them done, and they are really good kits, but, boy, did they take a long time!
I learned that assembling 50 coupon books (20 grocery trips to your 3-month food supply!), including cutesy little ribbons (they were for Relief Society, so they had to be at least a little cutesy) also takes a very long time. Several hours of printing and trimming and stapling and hole-punching and ribbon-tying. And that is not even counting the many, many hours of researching and compiling the list and creating and formatting and reformatting the coupons. (I thought I was way ahead of the game when I had all of that stuff done last week, and all I had to do this week was put the books together).
I learned that putting together an essential documents binder (a list of about 20 documents that you'll want to have all together if you have to evacuate your house), also takes a very long time when you haven't filed any papers for more than a year. Yeah.
I learned that pretty much every task I had assigned myself for this week took literally 5 times longer than I estimated it would. It didn't help that the tireder I got, the longer things tood.
But I also learned how amazing 10 hours of sleep after a week like this can feel. Thank goodness for little boys who let me sleep in this morning.
I was really happy with the activity last night, sleep-deprivation notwithstanding. And now I'm going to go to bed!


Naomi said...

Good for you, Gabrielle. I was wondering how the activity went--I'm so glad it was a success. What's hard to believe is that there were any assignments for other people--sounds like you really did handle this activity by yourself! If everyone else prepared as much as you did, it must have been an amazing activity. If it's easy to upload or attach, I'd love to have the list of docs that you put in your binder...

Gabrielle said...

Actually, I think my committee worked really well together. There were other assignments, and I had a lot of help. I put together some of the handouts, but another one of the sisters made a couple of them. Another committee member did the first rough draft of the coupons, and another did the almost-final draft, and I did the final adjustments and formatting into strips. I definitely did not do the entire activity myself!!!! This week would not have been so crazy if I had not attempted to do the 72 hour kits myself, or the essential documents folder, and if I had not so underestimated the time it would take to do the final things like printing off handouts and assembling the coupons, etc. I'm very happy with my committee, everyone really did pitch in.

Abbie Nelson said...

Awesome job!!
We make our own laundry detergent, and a year's supply comes VERY cheap! :) Cheap, easy, and it works!! It's my favorite frugal/storage info to share. Especially since it's the only year's supply I have.

Rosalynde said...

oh my goodness! Gabrielle! That is toooooooo much. You need more sleep. That said, it sounds like the activity was a huge success. I'd love a list of the twenty essential documents...

Christine said...

You go girl! (although I agree with ROsalynde, take care of yourself and get more sleep!)
You are amazing. You can pretty much accomplish anything you put your mind to, you have incredible talent.

Kelly said...

You need a bigger committee! That's a lot of work for you to do! It was a great evening and I appreciate all the hard work that went into it. I've had your calling and know what a relief it is to have one more quarterly home, family, and personal enrichment night completed. The good news is you get a three month break. I loved your pancakes and am enjoying going through the binder. Well done! I'm sorry you were so sleep deprived though.

Jill T said...

Ditto to need a bigger committee. How many people are on it now? Your resources are great and it sounds like a very informative and practical enrichment. Now a short break...

I'm interested in Abbie's laundry detergent...

Debbie said...

Gabby, the enrichment activity was great! The coupon book was my favorite thing. I just used it at the grocery store and now have at least a 3 month supply of PB and jam. I also thought those pancakes you made were awesome. Anyway, your efforts were appreciated. I hope you're caught up on your sleep now!