Wednesday, June 03, 2009

To Houston again

I got a call this morning from my Houston neurologist's office.
I'm due for my year evaluation in July (July 13'th to be exact), but he wants to see me sooner.
My EDSS score increased more than a point from the time I entered the study to my 6 month eval, and for this reason he wants to see me sooner. I don't understand this; he knew my EDSS increased back when I saw him in January, and he didn't say anything about it then.
But whatever. I do what I am told.
I'm nervous, because I had intended to practice walking during this month before my July eval, but they want me in Houston on Friday, so there goes that idea.
I'm going to go to bed early tonight, and early tomorrow night so that I can get up at 5:00 AM Friday and make the drive out to Houston without falling asleep.
So, no more vacation pictures until Friday, sorry!! Try to hold in the bitter disappointment, ok?


Anonymous said...

good luck, Kiddo! We're all rooting for you. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you in Houston

Jill T said...

Good Luck Gabrielle! I'll be waiting for the update and more vacation pictures!:)

Angee said...

Good Job! Hospital days are long for me so I can't imagine what it is like for you with you long drive!