Monday, April 21, 2008

Strawberry fields

Boys at the Sweet Berry Farms

Joseph finding some ripe ones

Brigham hanging out by the burros

Cute Mosey

Grandma seeing if the strawberries are ripe

Brigham resting after a lot of picking!

Brigham peeking out of the giant ladybug out in the field

Mosey taking a break in the shade

Brigham and Joseph cooling off with some fresh strawberry popsicles

Is it good Mosey?

Isn't he cute?

Brigham trying to feed the burro a piece of carrot. If you look close you can see that Brigham has dropped the carrot just as the burro is trying to get it off his hand. Oops!

Joseph doesn't mind getting burro spit on his hands

The pregnant momma goat. She was hungry!!

This goat somehow managed to climb the tree to perch on this treehouse. Wow!

Mosey didn't care too much about the burros, he was too busy eating strawberries!

1 comment:

Rena said...

I love the picture of the mama goat. It looks like she could just start talking english to ya doesn't it? Like she is animated or something? Oh Gabby, I miss ya! I need to have a picture taken of me for my profile and I cant think of anyone else I want to take it but you..:( What am I to do?