Sunday, April 06, 2008

Conference weekend

Ben and I enjoyed listening to conference. The boys enjoyed playing in the mud while we were listening to conference!
Ben moved our hot tub (major undertaking, btw, as is trying to get it re-wired in its new location), and left a nice square of soft dirt perfect for making a mud bath.
Mosey is sick this weekend (fever, coughing), so he slept for most of conference weekend. I hope he's getting over it now. He ate something for the first time in 2 days tonight. He's getting skinny! It's amazing how quickly little kids can get skinny.
I loved conference. I can't think what my favorite talk is, yet. Maybe Elder Wirthlin's? There were lots of really great ones, though, I'll have to read them again when the Ensign comes next month to really be able to decide.


Amy F said...

Thought of you today when Elder Ballard spoke about mothers needing to stop and enjoy moments. Mud bathing is just another example of how you are able to let go and enjoy life with your kiddos.

And it made for some great, memorable pictures...

Christine said...

That looks really fun, it makes me want to go outside and roll in the mud (well, if if were 25 degrees warmer). Elijah was sick too and he is looking skinny too, so you're right, its crazy how fast they waste away. It makes me want to protect Lucy from the stomach flu at all cost!

StrykerLOVE said...

Ah! Elder Worthlin's was MY favorite too! I love all his talks - esp last conference. I even love how he gives them, its so awkward I know but he's my favorite. I can't let my boys see the pics of your boys and get any ideas. The love mud too much already!!

Rena said...

Love the mud! I played in the mud with a friend that had a river of mud behind her house when we were teenagers. It was so fun! Dried mud on your skin feels really weird though.
My fav. talk was Elder Ballards. I cried. He was talking to me!

Anonymous said...