Thursday, April 03, 2008

Mosey reading!

Here's a video of Mosey reading "Mouse Soup." Isn't he cute?

It's hard to understand some of his words, but forgive him, this was actually the first time he read this story (Joseph brought it home as one of his literacy library books), and I put him on the spot! There were some tricky words, but I thought he did a good job sounding them out (of course, I am his mother!).


Unknown said...

wow, he is really good. Does he just love reading, is that how he picked it up so quickly?

Rena said...

Emma and I watched him together. She is amazed as am I. Your boys are so smart!

Gabrielle said...

Mosey mostly just wants to do everything his big brothers do, so when they come home with books to read, he wants to read them too. I did help him learn his letters and sounds, and then was astonished when he started sounding out 2 and 3 letter words last October, and he's just gone on since then. He likes to read and will try to sound out EVERYTHING he sees, from signs to labels to whatever I'm typing on the computer.
Every kid has their talents. Mosey is developmentally behind when it comes to drawing and writing, he just doesn't have the interest or talent in that area (at least, not right now).
Joseph is a pretty good reader, too, but I think not that much above his peers. Brigham I think is exactly average for his grade level. He's only a little better reader than Mosey. But he is VERY good at drawing and writing.
Anyway, I do NOT want anyone to look at this video and then feel bad about their own kids. Every kid has their talents. This is Mosey's. He is pretty darn average in every other way (well, as his mother I think he's extraordinary in every way, but you know what I mean). He's still not night-time potty trained!! :-)

Naomi said...

That was very, very cute :). I especially loved his intonations--he knew how to use different voices for dialogue, he knew what words to emphasize, etc. Some of my college students have a hard time with that!

Christine said...

That boy is a genius-head! He just lowed right through some really tough words, it's amazing for how young he is, really. And on top of that it's just really cute with his sweet little voice.

Jill T said...

I had the same thoughts as Naomi, I loved his inflections as he read. Very cute and very impressive! You're right, each child does have their own gifts and talents!

Rosalynde said...

Now Gabrielle, you're being so politically correct here, that's not like you! ;) Yes, of course, every child has his talents, and we're all winners, etc etc etc---but really, some talents are more meaningful than others, let's get real! I don't know whether early fluency in reading correlates with greater academic success later in life, but if it does, then early reading is likely to be a much more meaningful talent than, say, early night toilet training. So give your boy lots of credit, and take lots yourself!