Wednesday, September 05, 2012


1.  Pretty decent day of school.  Now just have to figure how to fit MATH in.  Yep, Joseph, we still have to do math this year.  :-)

2.  First cub scout den meeting of the school year.  We wrote secret codes, wrote notes in invisible ink, and learned to spell the boys' names in sign language.  Also found out that 3 of the 7 boys won't be able to make Tuesday afternoons after this week, due to sports practices and other things, so we have to figure out how to reschedule.  This is why we don't do team sports around here (one of the reasons).  You can't pick your practice days or time, and you don't know when they're going to be until after you've already committed to joining the team.

3.  The boys have been on an army tank/helicopter kick recently.  They've read all sorts of Wikipedia articles, and have been busy drawing lots of pictures.  Joseph is a good little army tank artist, and loves to show me his drawings and explain everything to me.  Mosey has resurrected his army planes and helicopters and has been playing with them.  That's why it is actually satisfying to get Mosey toys-- he really does play with them.  However, he also has trouble keeping track of his toys.  He's constantly asking me if I've seen such-and-such, and if I haven't, asking me to speculate on where I think it might be.  This afternoon he was outside on the trampoline with one of his helicopters, and the blades fell off.  He discovered this after he came inside, and was pretty distraught.  He even went online to the manufacturer to see if he could order replacement parts-- and this for a $6 toy.  But, he found them!  And then tried to super glue them onto his helicopter, getting glue on his hands in the process, and leaving a super glue fingerprint on the side of his helicopter.  So he went online again to research how to get super glue off of metal.  Apparently nail polish remover can sometimes do the trick.  But when we tried that, it started rubbing off the painted "US Army" on the side.  So 9:30 PM finds me in my bathroom with a little emery board trying to gently sand off the fingerprint from the side of his helicopter.  Because I really have nothing more pressing to be doing with my time, 6 days before moving day!  But, I do love my boy, and he did ask so nicely.  :-)

4.  We are getting the outside of our house painted tomorrow.  The painters were going to paint the deck, too, but the boys beat them to it.  Brigham woke up early on Saturday morning, and Ben set him to work cleaning off and then painting the deck.  Mosey and Joseph joined in, too, and pretty soon three sets of clothing were pretty well covered in deck paint.  :-)  Joseph went out this evening to work on the 2nd coat.  He took my iPod and worked out there for a good 2 hours.  Maybe an iPod is the key to getting him to work without complaining?  It works for me, I guess.

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