Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Spring pictures

Last Friday we went to the church parking lot to ride bikes. This spring has been so beautiful. I wish it could last forever. I brought my camera and took some pictures of the boys.

Totally blown out picture of Brigham, but I still love it.

Mosey asked me today, "Mom, do you think I'm getting too big for my Big Wheels?" Yeah, I guess he could probably use a two-wheeler by now. But he's so cute on the Big Wheel!

The boys went out on the field next to the parking lot. It's filled with dandelions and other wild flowers.

Mosey picked me a whole bouquet of these pretty, delicate flowers.

I LOVE this picture of Brigham and Joseph! I don't have all that many of the two of them together that I really love. It's blurry, but I don't care.

It's so interesting to me to see how different all 3 of my boys look. If I'd had another one, I wonder if he/she would have looked like any of the three boys, or if there would be a 4th completely different look?

I attempted some self-portraits. I leaned against the side of the van and pointed my camera at the side-view mirror. It's trickier than it seems! Especially when there is a little boy inside the car waiting to sabotage the picture. :-)

(that's Brigham's hand)

Managed to cut off half my face and miss the focus.

Brigham sabotages me again!! But the joke's on him, this is my favorite shot of the whole bunch.

Finally. This one is pretty good. Still got the camera lens in there, but it was pretty impossible to hide it.

This is kind of an odd shot, but I think I like it. Shall I change my avatar?

It occurred to me, this is how I see myself, since it is a mirror image, but no one else sees me this way. Isn't it funny that everyone in the world sees us one way, and we see ourselves flipped 180 degrees? There's got to be a metaphor in there somewhere.


libby said...

I love the last shot. You're gorgeous!

Christian Jacob Frandsen said...

Gabrielle, you are so amazingly beautiful. I can't believe I'm related to you.

raegan said...

Love your pictures! You are so amazingly talented. You are beautiful and so are your boys! I think our kiddos look so different from each other as well (not to mention act totally different), but it seems every time we go somewhere, someone makes a comment as to how similar they look. Go figure!

Mama said...

And I can't believe I gave birth to someone as beautiful as you :) I love the picture of Brigham and Joseph hugging!! I am SO GRATEFUL you make the effort to take pictures!! I know it is a hassle, but what treasures they are to this grandma.

Kelly said...

I never would have thought about the mirror image like that? Yes, change it to the last one...I like it a lot. You're an awesome photographer.

Rachel said...

loooove the pictures. did you do any work on them?

Gabrielle said...

I always process my photos. Even the dumb snapshots. I can't let my pictures be seen naked!! :-)
I usually brighten and add contrast using curves (photoshop tool), boost saturation, adjust color if it needs it, and resize/sharpen for web viewing.

Rena said...

gabby, You are stunning! And you look so fab in PINK!
Russ is in Austin this week. He's there for a training.
He was bragging that it was in the low 80's while it is snowing here!

Hildie said...

I love the picture of you two in the rear-view mirror! Gorgeous!

Unknown said...

Really beautiful website. Mosey-isms are fun to read. Keep them coming!