Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spring is in the air

Spring has finally arrived in Austin. All over trees are blossoming and new leaves are sprouting. Spring is about 3 weeks later this year compared to last, I guess a reflection of the coooold winter we had (for Austin, anyway). So I'm going to really enjoy the next couple of months before it gets hot again. I hope it will not get as hot as last summer.
We've been doing a lot of our lessons outside.

It's a little harder to keep their attention when they're outside. The allure of the swing is sometimes too much. This $10 swing from Lowes is worth its weight in gold. I don't know how many hours the boys have spent on it. It's therapy.

The boys posed for some pictures.

Here's Mosey with his new Arcti. He got an Arctic Fox webkinz for Christmas, which sadly disappeared sometime about 3 weeks ago. He's been diligently working hard to earn $7.95 to buy a new one, and it finally arrived in the mail on Friday. Joy!! It hasn't left his side since. This will be the last picture taken with Arcti actually white.

My two Webkinz fanatics. Joseph has Rascal the raccoon on his shoulder.

The boys have been good about watering their little garden they planted with Grandma a month ago.

But we decided our little plants needed a bit more room, so on Saturday we went to Lowes and got cedar boards and 24 cubic feet of soil to make a couple of raised garden beds on the south side of the house.
It was a good project for the boys. They had to dig up the dirt where we put the beds, pulling out rocks and roots, and then rake it out smooth and even.
They helped Ben assemble the garden frames, and then mixed up and smoothed out the new soil.
Our onions and broccoli and lettuce and chard and beans and strawberries are now happy in their new home, and one of my lifetime goals of forcing giving my boys the opportunity to work in a garden is on its way to being fulfilled.
Here's to many hours pulling weeds in the hot sun and developing character. :-)

1 comment:

Mama said...

Beautiful garden!!! Yes, this will be much better than those small containers. Gardens are one of the best parenting tools God ever gave us. If more people understood the law of the harvest, this world would be a WAY better place :)Here's to a bounteous crop of fruits and veggies and boys!