Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patrick's Day 2010

Well, another St. Patrick's Day has come and gone.
Our celebration actually began last night with Brigham and Joseph drawing green shamrocks on their hands with marker before they went to bed. They wanted to be absolutely sure to be "wearing" green at all times the next day! No fair waking up and pinching someone before they have a chance to get dressed! Brigham wore a green shirt to bed last night just to be sure.
We had Lucky Charms with green milk for breakfast this morning, and Joseph added a few drops of green food coloring to his noodles at lunch time.
In the afternoon we had our annual St. Patrick's Day photo shoot.

I think I got some pretty good ones this year!

Of course, most of the photo-shoot went something like this:

The boys are pretending to be star-nosed moles. Yeah, I don't understand, either.

A lot of squirreliness was going on (click on it to see it bigger):

Some mock-choking:

And lots and lots of bunny ears:

And other general weirdness:

For dinner I made pasta with pesto sauce:

Irish soda bread:

And green jello:

Not pictured is the green-dyed white grape juice.

Ben read us the St. Patrick's account from Wikipedia, and then we went off on a tangent reading about Gaelic and Welsh and Irish and how all those languages up there interrelate.

It was a fun day!


Kelly said...

It sounds like you made it fun! I love the menu and the boys photos.

Rachel said...

that soda bread looks really good. Where'd you get the recipe? We didn't celebrate AT ALL. Well, I did wear a green shirt.

Gabrielle said...

Good old Where I get all my recipes. :-)

Rosalynde said...

We had the *exact* same dinner! With green beans, though, and the soda bread was bought from the bakery. Mmmm!

Mama said...

And we had frozen pizza! At least it had green peppers on it.... Good for you girls for making it fun! I raised goof mommies :)