Thursday, March 25, 2010

wheelchair blues

My FyuJon wheelchair broke again. The aluminum frame cracked several weeks ago, and we found someone to weld it back together. It worked just fine until a couple of days ago when I was sweeping the floor and *crack* it broke again. That's what I get for sweeping the floor.
It is very annoying. The chair is supposed to be good up to a 250 lb weight capacity, and I'm not even half that and I don't put any particularly strenuous use on the chair (unless you count sweeping the floor), so I'm pretty aggravated. It was an ebay purchase, so of course there is no warranty. I could get it repaired again, but I have a feeling this will just keep happening.

I got online to research other chairs and I'm pretty confused. I can do another ebay purchase, but then I'll have the same issue with no warranty. But on ebay I can get a demo model of a particular chair (a very nice one, the TiLite TR, pictured above) that retails at more than $2,000 MORE if I buy through a dealer. Ouch. Also, it's measurements are *almost* but not quite correct for me.

There is another chair available on ebay by the same manufacturer, but a different model (TiLite Zra, pictured above), that has exactly the right measurements, but it is $500 more (yes, these chairs are very expensive, which is why I'm pretty upset about mine breaking), and it is used-- not a demo model. And it's a slightly lower (less expensive) model than the demo one I'm looking at. But it has some really nice (and expensive) upgrades that would not be available on the demo model.
I have a hard time weighing the pros and cons in these situations. The auctions have a few days left on them, so I can think on it, I guess.
I might be able to get some insurance compensation, but that will be at least a several week process, and I don't want to wait that long. I'm stuck using my 40 lb medical wheelchair currently being paid for by insurance. It's big and bulky and really annoying. I can't put the foot rests on, because they stick out too far and I can't turn around in small spaces forcing me to lift my feet off the floor to keep them from dragging. Which is probably good exercise for me, but gets extremely tiring. But mainly, there is no way I can get this thing in and out of the van, so I can't go anyplace where I might need the chair until I get a new one.
Someone tell me what to do, please?


Mama said...

How FRUSTRATING!! I am terrible at making decisions -- especially sight unseen. How can wheelchairs be so expensive?? It looks like another case of medical insurance mark-up to me -- the technology and materials just CANNOT justify those kinds of prices! I confess, both of those models looked identical to me -- so I'm afraid I am no help with your decision. But I'll yell really loud in the direction of that wheelchair place who made yours :)

Rachel said...

What a hassle, Gabrielle, I'm so sorry. So generally the difference between buying a wheelchair from a retailer (with a warranty) and buying from ebay (without a warranty) is $2,000? How long do the warranties last? It sounds like it's worth it to you to buy one on ebay without a warranty, so I think you should pay the extra $500 and get the chair that has your exact measurements and has some extra gismos.

Anonymous said...

Hey there - I work with Ben and I check out your blog every so often. I might be able to help you here. I work closely with a DME vendor (our contracted network vendor). I have them checking to see what kind of private party price they could give. I'll let Ben know what I find out. Breane :-)

Anonymous said...

Well, lets focus on what's really important you want to get the blue one and...*shudder* support BYU?? *patooie* OR, drive around in a wheelchair outfitted in a tasteful Ute crimson?

(actually I like the blue one better, upgrades baby, but I gotta be true to my school)

Sorry, about that hassle...totally sucks.

Kelly said...

So what did you end up doing, Gabby?