Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Electromagnetism for dummies

When I started homeschooling the boys, I thought, with supreme confidence, that I could handle all the math and science the boys would need at least through high school. Certainly I had no doubts at all that I could handle elementary-school science. I didn't count on having a son like Brigham.
I created email addresses for all the boys. Joseph and Mosey have already written grandma a couple of emails. Brigham tells me he can't send any emails until he learns how a computer works.
Um, that could take a while.
Tonight, as I was trying to help Joseph slog through his long division, Brigham comes up to me with his "The Way Science Works" book which he has been studying. He wants to know exactly how electricity is related to electromagnetic waves. So I tell him that an electric current creates a magnetic field, and a changing magnetic field creates an electric current. But that's not enough. He wants to know exactly what *is* an electromagnetic wave. So I blithely tell him that it is a stream of photons that have particle and wavelike properties. But that's not enough. He already knows that electricity is the flow of electrons, and that electromagnetic waves are the flow of photons (roughly speaking). But he wants to know how electricity makes electromagnetic radiation and exactly what *is* a magnetic field anyway? What is it made of?
Um, I have a bachelor's degree in chemistry and took several upper-level physical chemistry and physics classes, and I still don't know how to answer these questions.
I'm feeling a little dumb right now. And more than a little worried I'm not going to be equipped to keep up with this boy's scientific curiosity.
And I'm wondering how this same boy cannot remember how to spell "made" even though he's had the word on his spelling list for 4 straight spelling lessons.


Mama said...

Sometimes I think we just might be seeing a true genius growing up right in front of our eyes! All I can say is, I'm glad I don't have to try to answer his questions :) Tell Brigham he better learn how a computer works FAST because I'm waiting for my letter from him!!Love, Mama

Rosalynde said...

Your boys never fail to amaze, Gabrielle! Brigham's question reminds me of the conundrum we used to debate when we were little: could two people lift each other up at the same time and thus levitate in the air? We argued about whether it would work, and even tried it a few times. Do you remember that?

Jill T said...

You're definitely not dumb. And he definitely takes after his mama.

I hope you had a wonderful birthday! 33...

Anonymous said...

Magic. That's my answer for everything.

Anonymous said...

I leave those kinds of questions for my husband Matt...he's the rocket scientist.

Kelly said...

Homeschooling is something I could never do. I'm sure you're awesome at it though.