Wednesday, September 02, 2009

mommy time?

Today was a little rough.
It started with me waking to the glorious sound of little boys screaming at each other, then my bedroom door slamming closed and Mosey shouting, tears running down his face, "Joseph threw my soccer ball into the pool FOR NO REASON!!!" (This "for no reason" thing is a favorite addendum to whatever bad action is being tattled about, and bears no relation to whether or not there actually was a reason for said bad action).
So begins another day.
It wasn't so bad, once the argument was settled (Mosey was trying to introduce a 2nd soccer ball into the game the boys were playing, and everyone knows you can't play soccer with 2 balls).
It was just a long day and by late this afternoon my brain was just about on overload. All three boys had to tell me things all day at top volume, and I didn't have a break all day long.
By about 5:30 I was at my breaking point and told the boys, "I need to take some mommy time, so you all go play and let me do my own stuff for a while, ok?" This lasted about 2 minutes after which time Mosey came up to me and said, "You're doing mommy time now, right?" "Yes, Mosey." "OK, then can you come and help me build a road for my kapla block capitol building?" He had been working on this elaborate kapla block creation for most of the day, requiring me to come and look and give the appropriate laudatory remarks at regular intervals.
Well, that wasn't exactly what I meant by "mommy time." But I feel perpetually guilty about not devoting as much attention to Mosey during the day as I do to Brigham and Joseph in their lessons, so I left off what I was doing and went and built a Kapla block road for a while.
I love these boys so much, sometimes to the bursting point. Last night Mosey came and said, "I have one more birthday present for you, mom." Then he came and gave me a huge hug and said, "You can't keep this one, so you'll just have to remember it." That was a good mommy-moment.
But sometimes it's all a little too much. I try to remind myself of how I'll miss these days when all my boys want is my attention and listening ear. Most of the time that works. Other times, like tonight, I feel like my brain is going to shut down.
Tomorrow will be better.


Mama said...

Yes, it always is better in the morning :) And you WILL miss the incessant questions and noise and chaos and even the squabbles... all too soon. But it is OK to have some TRUE Mommy time every day! You can't afford to burn out yet! I love you - Mama

Naomi said...

Gabrielle, that's just about the sweetest mommy birthday story I've ever heard...