Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy 2009!!!!!

Remember our cute little gingerbread house?

Well, after some of this...

A little of this...

A lot of this...

Some more of this...

And of course a little doggy action...

We ended up with this.

And this. Three very happy boys and a whole lotta crumbs.

They got creative this year and had a whole scenario in which a massive multi-car pileup demolished the house leaving nothing but rubble.

All-in-all, a very successful Gingerbread-Demolition-2008!

I am not sad to see 2008 move into the history books. In many ways it was a really great year. I got into the stem-cell transplant clinical trial, survived the transplant, and my blood counts are almost all normal. The boys started homeschooling, a dream I've always had. Ben has a good job, and we are financially secure and comfortable. We are truly blessed.

But I also never want to have another year like 2008 again. I know I could survive it, in case we're ever faced with similar challenges, but I would sure rather not!

I am hoping for a much less eventful 2009!!!

It's pretty weird to me that it is now 2009. I remember well when 1989 seemed like such a futuristic year. And 1999 seems like such a short time ago. In 2019 I'll be 42, have two 17 year olds and an almost 15 year old. It seems like a lifetime away, and yet I know it will be here sooner than I will believe possible.

The acceleration of time as I grow older has really surprised me. It is certainly bittersweet. I relish in my children growing older and learning and becoming such fascinating little people. But I miss their littleness especially now as I see how fleeting it is. On the other hand, I also have seen that life grows sweeter with each passing year, and I would be lying if I didn't say that I do look forward anxiously to that day when I will once again be whole.

Anyway, enough reminiscing.

Last night we had our annual demolition of the gingerbread house. It was as fun and messy as it was last year, as you can see from the pictures.

We then went to a get-together at my friend Stephanie's house and enjoyed good food and adult conversation while the kids ran wild. Finally at around 10:30 Mosey came to us begging to go home. Poor kid, he was soooo tired. Joseph and Brigham were still rarin' to go, and watched Harry Potter upstairs after we got home. Last time Ben checked in on them, Joseph was still up at 1:15 AM. Wowee. Mosey conked out very quickly, although he was up again by 8:30 this morning and was consequently a little grumpy all day.

Today we packed up our Christmas stuff (I'm always sad to see it go, but happy to reduce the clutter), and then we cleaned out our garage! Actually, Ben cleaned it out and I sat and watched and directed. I wonder if there is anything I love more than getting a messy area nice and clean and organized? I love it. What a fabulous way to start out the new year!

The kids are all nestled all snug in their beds and Ben is staying home from work again tomorrow, so all is well in the Turner household.

1 comment:

StrykerLOVE said...

Happy 2009 back at ya - I am so glad for all that you've done and SURVIVED this year. You are the ultimate power endurance woman!
Love reading about your adventures.