Thursday, January 10, 2008

Mosey is four!!

Aww, isn't he cute? He has been so excited about this cake!

He's still plenty silly, even though he's now four.

I didn't take a picture of him blowing out the candles of his cake because I was videoing it (see below), so I had to take another picture after I cut his piece. He wanted the piece with "four" on it, which was a HUGE piece! Surprisingly, he ate a good bit of it. Plus a scoop of Blue Bunny birthday cake ice cream which we've been saving for this occasion.

Here is the cake. My writing is pretty pathetic. I'm definitely no Christine (my sister-in-law who is a really, really good cake decorator). The gel icing I was using had some watery pockets in it which messed up the "M" and messed up some of the "cat footprints" I made around the edges. Oh well, Mosey didn't seem to care.

So today Mosey turned four! He has been very excited about his birthday. When I woke up the boys for school this morning, I said, "Happy Birthday Mosey, you're four now!" He looked out the window (it was still dark outside at 6:45 AM) and said, "I don't think my four year old birthday starts until it is light outside." A half hour later or so, when it started to get light, he told me "Now it's light enough outside for it to be my birthday." Funny kid!

I asked him if he felt any bigger now that he was four. He said, "I feel a little bit bigger, but not as big as a big boy." When Ben came home from work, he asked Mosey if he could run faster and jump higher, and Mosey enthusiastically said, "Um, I think, YES!" And proceded to demonstrate exactly how fast he could run and how high he could jump.

He really wanted to eat his birthday cake for breakfast, but I told him he had to wait until Dad got home from work. So he ate oreos instead. :-) He went to lunch with me and my friend Stephanie from church, but he was being a little snickerdoodle. I'm not sure why. Maybe it was the oreos from breakfast? The waiter brought him a complementary ice cream sundae with a candle, but Mosey was laying down on the booth bench, covering his eyes and meowing. He refused to blow out the candle or taste the sundae. So I had to do both for him. :-) He would only crawl out of the restaurant, and Stephanie had to carry him meowing (at least he wasn't kicking and screaming) out to her car. Oh well, I hope this is not to strong of an indication of how this next year will be!

I asked him what he wanted for dinner, and, predictably, he said "birthday cake!" I told him of course he was having cake, but he had to have something else, too. Under heavy suggestive pressure from Joseph, he decided on Ramen noodles. Yes, my kids have such sophisticated taste.

His cake was a store bought cake on the clearance cart at Walmart. I feel a little bad. When the twins turned four, I made two cakes, one of them a carebear cake (for Joseph), and the other a dragon cake (for Brigham). I threw them a birthday party and invited all their preschool and Sunbeam friends. Their party was 2 days after Hurricane Katrina, and we of course had no power, but we had the party anyway in the sweltering heat and 95% humidity. I had made the cakes a few days ahead of time in anticipation of the hurricane-caused power outage. I iced them that morning, but since it was so hot and humid, by the time we actually ate them, they were quite melty. Anyway, I feel bad since I went to such comparatively little effort for Mosey's 4th birthday. I resolve to have a much better celebration when he turns five.

He did get some presents. I found this box of Kapla blocks on clearance at Target. They are really cool! They are these incredibly precisely cut wooden blocks, about 1 inch wide, 3 inches long, and maybe a third of an inch thick. They are so precisely cut and balanced that you can build these really neat towers, balancing them end-on-end. All of us got involved in building with them, and when it was time for bed, Brigham told me he wanted to get a thousand piece box of the blocks for his birthday. "We LOVE them, mom!" And Mosey ended the night enthusiastically declaring, "I loved my birthday! I loved the cake and the presents and the glow-in-the-dark stickers!" (Stickers were from Grandma Jackee, and he immediately took them upstairs and plastered every single one of them on the walls of his bedroom and closet). So I guess it was a success, store-bought cake and no party notwithstanding.

Here is Mosey blowing out his birthday candles. If you watch a little beyond the blowing out part, you'll hear what he wants to do with his birthday cake. It's pretty funny.


Kelly said...

It's a good thing you had some "really cool animal plates," or I'm afraid Mosey would have wanted to eat the entire cake. I thought you did a nice job on the lettering and paw prints! I could relate to Mosey's comment about his birthday not being official when it was still dark outside. I would have totally gone back to sleep until the sun came up too! Happy birthday, dear Mosey!

Dave Sloan said...

I don't remember turning four. That's too bad, because I think I must have enjoyed it. I'm certain that I got waaay more toys then I do now. By the way, I'm going to try to get your works recognized on the Sloan Bloggernet, thus increasing your circle of influence by at least 4.

Jill T said...

Happy Birthday Mosey! The cake looks great Gabrielle!