Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I got in!

So I finally found out today that I am officially accepted into the bone marrow transplant study. Hurray! I emailed the coordinator this morning wanting to know the status, but didn't get any reply. Then I called back this afternoon because I'm wanting to do another round of steroids but needed to get the go-ahead from them, so the nurse had to contact the review board to make sure it was ok, and they said that not only was it ok, but that I'm also accepted into the study. So that is very good news.
I am going to try to do another round of Solumedrol. I've been trying to hold out, but last night was a very bad night (waking up with my legs seizing up, etc.), and today was also pretty bad. I was sitting down on the floor sorting laundry and very nearly couldn't get up. The state of the house and my laundry right now is pretty good indicator of how my legs are doing, and it shows right now. But anyway, tomorrow Dr. Hutton (the study neurologist) is going to call Dr. Tallman (my local neuro), and they're going to decide what to do with me. It's so great to have so much control over my own life...
In the meantime, Dr. Hutton's office is starting the insurance approval process. They have no idea how long this might take. The coordinator told me that sometimes the insurance companies will approve right away, like in a week, but other times it's not so easy and they have to go through the appeals process, and it can take a few months. No way to tell with me since they've never worked with UHC before. So basically I just hang out for who-knows-how-long until we get the go-ahead from UHC, and then everything will start. Good thing I'm getting so good at waiting. I'm sorry to any family members who might be wanting to make spring/summer plans. Don't plan anything around me, because if you do, that will probably be exactly when I'll be in the thick of everything.
So, that's the news. I'm glad to have some good news today since it looks like we're getting bad news out of Florida. The voting isn't all in yet, and I'm purposely not glued to the computer checking the stats as they come in from each county. Ben is doing that, and I assume if something good were happening, he'd probably come down and tell me. Oh well, whatever. I figure, if Romney wins, that's awesome. If McCain wins, the pessimist in me says he'll take the nomination, and if he does, then I guess in a way that's good for me because I will absolutely not care who wins the national election. In fact, I'll probably hope that the democrat wins, because I'm pretty confident they'll mess things up so bad that in another 4 years Romney will have another shot, and he'll win. Anyway, whatever. I'm a little tired of being stressed out about things that I have no control over. I have to say, though, I did get a very nice phone call this afternoon from McCain (my cell phone is still my FL number), and I was just a tad offended that Mitt didn't think to call me, too. Oh well, I guess I forgive him.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

First, congratulations, Gabby, on getting approved for the study. That's fantastic.

As far as your outlook on the results of the Florida elections, I agree. I kind of feel like you feel. I am sorry you didn't get a call from Mitt! I was actually a volunteer making calls to Florida, but I spoke to a bunch of McCain voters and several others who didn't want to be bothered. Several Romney voters too. But it was through Mitt's website, and the program they used did automatic dialing, and the name of the person would pop up on my computer screen and then I'd start talking to them. One comedian greeted me by saying, "Hi Rudy!" Once I acknowledged his cute little quip, he expressed that he'd already voted, and I'm guessing it was for the former mayor. Apparently, "Mitt Romney for President" shows up on caller ids when these calls come in.

I'm on election news overload now and am enjoying the blogs today instead.