Tuesday, January 01, 2008

10 pictures from Christmas vacation

A horrible picture of a pretty tree.

Brigham learning to ride his bike--just one training wheel on.

And now, no training wheels!! He's doing it! Ben's close behind, just in case.

Christmas morning; Brigham's immersed in the modeling clay his cousin Ryan sent to him.

Christmas morning; Joseph is immersed in his Petz Vet computer game on the new laptop that Ben got (well, new to Ben anyway)

Joseph looking handsome while riding his bike.

Joseph practicing his biking skilz.

Mosey's just having a good time. Not *quite* ready for a two-wheeler yet.

Mosey's telling me a story, I'm not sure what it was about, but it was definitely something very important. He's wearing his new Christmas sweater.

Mosey showing me how he can do handstands. Crazy kid!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

That picture is SO Mosey looking. Classic. I loved the other pictures too. Why is it so hard to get a decent picture of a Christmas tree? I never can capture the beauty of my tree either. It looks like the boys got some nice gifts this year. I like how you spelled SKILZ too. What a cool mom you are.