Thursday, January 03, 2008

Destruction and Mayhem

Other families have the charming tradition of eating their gingerbread house on New Year's Eve. At least, growing up, my family did. I thought I'd institute that tradition with my own children. It didn't quite turn out as I imagined.

Here is our lovely gingerbread house, made by the boys and Grandma Frandsen and me in the family room of the in-patient rehabilitation unit of the hospital. It was quite the feat getting all the treats on the gingerbread house rather than in my boys' mouths.

Here are my boys getting ready to consume the gingerbread house on New Year's Eve night. I should have known what was ahead by the expressions on their faces.

And the mayhem begins.

Yeah. Other families have the tradition of eating their gingerbread house. Our family now has the tradition of wreaking complete and utter devastation on our gingerbread house.

The aftermath.


Kelly said...

That's funny. I like these before and after shots.

paul said...

this is one sweet tradition i would like to see incorporated into our family...

Kris said...

Just looking around at gingerbread houses to get some ideas for our gingerbread house. Love the idea of eating it on New Years eve - think we will start the same tradition. Your boys look like they had fun. Kris from Minnesota