Thursday, July 26, 2007

Bad news, our buyers walked

Ben just called me to let me know that the buyers we had for our house in Florida just decided to walk.
I'm a little relieved and a little (well a lot) angry. They were SUCH a pain. They had a lawyer AND a real estate agent harassing us all the time. They wanted everything, and we pretty much gave them everything, but it wasn't good enough.
They wanted a tarp put over the leak in our roof, and made that part of the contract we signed (and they signed). So we called a roofing company we've worked with before and asked them to do it. They said they would, but every day there was some reason why they couldn't do it. Very, very aggravating. I mean, if we were there, we could have easily done it ourselves. Finally we just hired someone else to do it, and the tarp got put on about 5 days after we signed the contract. Seems reasonable to me, considering we are 5 states away, and they didn't put any kind of timeline in the contract. And then today their lawyer called Ben and said they either wanted us to get someone in there to cut a hole in the ceiling to check for mold (although there was no mold according to the inspection done 3 weeks ago), or for us to give them an additional $10,000 in the escrow account (on top of the $26,000 we already put in an escrow account for the roof). Ben called me, I said absolutely NOT, they already HAD an inspector out there (actually 3 inspectors), and they're insane if they think that in 2 weeks mold was overtaking the ceiling, when it hasn't after a year and a half of the same leak.
So Ben told the lawyer no, and now the buyers are walking. We don't know if we can get their earnest money or not, if it's even worth trying to get it. I say it is, since this is exactly the scenario in which we *should* get it. They strung us along for more than a MONTH, we gave them EVERYTHING THEY WANTED, we HAD another interested buyer but went with them instead, and now after all this time, during the peak buying season, they walk. It's only a matter of $3,000, but at least that would pay the mortgage for the month of July while they were stringing us along.
Ugh. So now we don't know what to do. Should we relist it? Should we try to rent it? In any case, it needs a new roof, and now we'll have to come up with the cash for it (would have been easier to just do the escrow account since the money would come from the proceeds on the house). If we rent it, we won't be able to do so until the roof is done, the AC fixed, etc. We could relist it I suppose, during the reroofing process. It just sucks because if we don't get it sold in the next month, it likely won't sell until after Christmas, since no one wants to move right after the school year has started. And we already saw how hot the housing market was last winter (don't mind the dripping sarcasm). So, what to do??
These buyers bugged the heck out of me, but at least we were going to be able to sell the house and get this monkey off our backs. Not anymore.
AND, I had left all our furniture in the house because having a house "staged" apparently helps it to sell faster. So when I thought we had buyers, I went and got all our furniture. So now the house is totally empty, with nice gauges in the walls from the movers, and water stains in the ceiling. Yeah, that's gonna be real appealing.
Oh well, it is what it is, and there's no changing things. I'm just frustrated and disappointed. I so wanted this OVER. We were supposed to close next Thursday, we were SO close.
Well, that's it for today!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

You should write a book on worst case scenarios, Gabby. This house could take up a few chapters. How frustrating! AHHHH!!!!! I feel like screaming for you. Obviously, I wasn't able to get together with you for photos before Lindsey goes out of town, but we'll try it after we're both back, okay? Thank you!!!