Friday, May 11, 2012


1.  Rain again today!  I am so glad we're getting this rain.  Still, it's amazing how even a few consecutive days of grey weather starts to pull my spirits down a little.  Not too much though.  The only bad thing about the rain is that the fathers and sons camp out is supposed to be this weekend.  2 years ago the same thing happened and the boys were so disappointed.  If they cancel it (and they're going to be awfully soggy if they don't), I've told the boys we'll have a sleepover here and they can invite some friends.  I won't get my quiet evening alone, but that's OK.

2.  It was a good school day.  I think everyone got everything done except for spelling.  We're kind of dropping the ball with spelling these last few weeks.

3.  I dropped off cookies at some of my visiting teaching ladies' homes and got waylaid at the second one.  She happened to be waiting for a few friends to come by for dinner and she invited me to stay.  I felt a bit like a 5th wheel, since these ladies all knew each other, and I did not, but I'm glad I stayed.  One of the ladies was here from Arizona to give a talk and class on nutrition.  She has MS and has managed it through her diet.  Her recommendations remind me a lot of the recommendations I've been seeing in a couple of other places, and which I've tried to incorporate somewhat over the past few months.  I haven't been as serious about it as I should have, and I'm now inspired to really give it a shot.  The one thing I really, really need to work on is my sugar intake.  I have a sweet-tooth, and an apple just doesn't cut it.  :-)  But sugar is so inflammatory and that is what I am trying hardest to reduce, so the sugar has to go.  It's something our whole family can probably improve on, so I'm going to have to talk with the boys about not keeping candy in the house, and not having "treats" every single day.  It's gonna be hard.  I've done the "No sugar November" thing a couple of times, and I have to admit it wasn't very fun.  I was very glad when Thanksgiving came around.  But lots of people who cut out sugar say that after a while the cravings go away, so I must have faith that will happen for me.
So, I'm going to be brave and say that May 11 will be the day I end my love-affair with sugar.  Wish me luck!

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