Saturday, May 19, 2012


1.  Friday!  I woke up happy this morning because last night I totally cleaned off organized the table in my room.  The table had become a repository for any item that someone was not sure of where it belonged.  I also reorganized a couple of shelves on the game shelf next to the table.  The result is a beautifully cleaned-off table, a box with neatly organized and accessible sheet music, and an empty shelf where I can leave my violin so I don't have to take it in and out of my case.  I really love organizing spaces.  I'm not so great at *keeping* them organized, but it is such a satisfying feeling to create order out of chaos.

2.  When I came out of my room this morning, Mosey was already up.  When he saw me he said, "I'm making you a present for Mother's Day, mom, so don't come into the kitchen!"  In a few minutes I heard the oven beep, and then he brought me the sweetest little modeling-clay flower that he had made and baked for me.  I'm going to find a pin to glue it to, or maybe a clip, so I can wear it to church.  I love my sweet boy.

3.  Speaking of modeling clay, Mosey is currently in clay-sculpture-making-mode.  Mosey is like that-- he gets very intense about something for a while, then cycles through to something else.  It's back to the modeling clay now after leaving the clay on the shelf in the playroom for a few weeks.  I had to drag him away from one of his projects in order for him to get his schoolwork done.  And then of course I got recruited into helping him finish the intricate detail work, which was perhaps not my very first choice of leisure activity for the day (given the fact that I currently have 7 loads of clean laundry in the laundry room that need folding-- yikes!).  But it was one of those mommy-things that I needed to take the time to do with my boy, and I'm glad I did.  He and I made a really cool 4-axle tanker truck. It took a while to make, but ended up pretty nice.

4.  Tonight after Ben got home, we went out to eat at How We Roll down at the Domain.  I think I've written about it before, but it's a fun fast-food-sushi place that all of us like.  And it is gluten and dairy free, so I can eat there too!  Once home again, the boys watched a Star Trek episode, and then I sent them to bed so I could pick up the house in peace. 

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