Wednesday, May 09, 2012


1.  My best friend from Florida came to visit!  Her daughter is graduating from boot camp in San Antonio this weekend, and she had an extra couple of days so she came to visit me!  We talked and talked and talked some more, and then talked some more after that!  We drove around Austin (in the rain), and I think I have her convinced that she wants to move to Austin.  :-)  The boys enjoyed showing her their lizards (which she was happy to look at from several feet away :-)), playing their recital songs from the rash of recitals the last couple of weeks, and in general reveling in the attention from their long-lost second mom.

2.  I also folded 6 loads of laundry today (while talking to Melissa).  I guess some things never change.  I have never in my life been able to discipline myself to keep up with laundry in a normal way.  There is always a bottleneck.  I remember many times in Florida gathering the dirty laundry from the bedrooms upstairs, and throwing it downstairs over the balcony (laundry room downstairs + all the bedrooms upstairs = a big pain in the neck), and then spending hours sorting the mountain of laundry, washing, and then folding.  I never had a system, so I'd wait until we were in dire need, and then do a laundry marathon.  Melissa remembers this very well, I am sure.  Laundry is still my very least favorite chore.

3.  We at at Rudy's for dinner (of course!).  Another reason for Melissa to move to Austin.  I bought way too much food, but leftovers from Rudy's is not necessarily a bad thing.

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