Sunday, May 13, 2012


1.  Typical Saturday.  Archery for Joseph in the morning, grocery shopping, chores, etc.  Nothing special.

2.  I'm working on editing all the pictures my family has with my brother Jacob.  I was hoping to get it done for Mother's Day, but it didn't happen.  I've worked on it a lot of hours so far, and I'm more than halfway through, but it's going to take me another week I think.  There are almost 450 pictures!  I'm so, so glad that Daddy liked taking pictures.  It is pretty emotional for me to go through them.  A lot of memories come back.  You know what, I remember very few unhappy memories from my childhood.  I know I had unhappy times, but I don't remember them.  That gives me a lot of hope for my own children.  :-)  Also, I find the memory totally fascinating.  I love looking in the background of some of these pictures.  There are little objects that have long-since disappeared or been packed away, and which I have not thought of in years and years and years.  And yet when I see them, I remember!  OK, it sounds obvious, but what that means to me is that there are far more memories locked away in some inaccessible part of my brain that I could get to if only there were some sort of trigger.  I have such a spotty memory of my childhood.  I'm amazed at some of the memoirs I have read-- the level of detail that people remember from childhood.  I can't even remember that kind of detail from 5 years ago!  I guess that's why I keep a blog.  Anyway, I think in our perfected state, we will have access to every memory, every moment of our lives.  I will love that.

3.  I got to talk to my brother Christian!  Our family did a conference call for his Mothers Day call home.  He's been on his mission in France for about 16 months now, and I hadn't spoken to him in a year, since I missed the Christmas phone call.  The next time I talk to him will be when he comes home.  It was so great hearing his voice.  I can't wait till he gets home, although I know he doesn't feel the same way.  :-)  And boy, oh, boy, can I ever WAIT until it is my boys' turn to leave me for 2 years.  :-)

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