Sunday, March 18, 2012


1.  Being up too late the night before leads to very grumpy boys. 

2.  We had some friends over for dinner this afternoon.  I made shrimp pasta (sauteed onions, can of italian style diced tomatoes, chicken broth, half a can of cream of mushroom soup, a couple tablespoons of sour cream, a half-cup or so of light alfredo sauce, a few spoonfuls of leftover pizza sauce, parsley, and basil-- basically a mishmash of what I had on hand in the fridge :-)), fruit salad, and irish soda bread, to try to make up for my poor performance on St. Patrick's day yesterday.

3.  My boys have an incredibly hard time getting along while working together.  It is very distressing.  The moment we start a family clean-up-the-house or clean-up-the-backyard, the picking, whining, crying, complaining, accusing, sulking immediately ensues.  It makes me feel like a big fat failure, when one of my main goals as a mother is to teach my boys to work hard, to work willingly, and to work together.  They need a lot more work on that.  :-)  I need some better ideas as to how to make that happen.

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