Thursday, March 08, 2012

03/07/12 Three things about Sandy

1. Our dog purrs.  Really, she does!  Whenever she's happy with the world she makes this funny sound deep in her throat.  Kind of like a growl, but not a growl, just a funny, contented dog-purr.  I love to come out of my bedroom in the morning and have this big fluffy dog come and put her head in my lap, begging to be petted, and "purring" contentedly when she does.

2.  Sandy and Brigham are soul-mates in their love for wrestling.  Brigham is absolutely fearless, and gets in big wrestling matches with Sandy as he plays "keep-away" with a stuffed animal or her tug-of-war rope.  They really get into it-- Sandy jumping on Brigham, Brigham jumping on Sandy, Sandy fake-biting Brigham (Brigham does not fake-bite back, thankfully), both of them growling in what otherwise would be thought of as a dangerous and vicious way.  Brigham has always not quite known his own strength, and friendly wrestling matches with his brothers generally end in tears.  Not Brigham's tears.  :-)

3.  Sandy also sleeps in the most unladylike way that you ever saw.  I really need to take a picture.  At night she usually ends up sprawled out on the couch, belly-up, legs curled into strange contortions, her head flung back and to the side, doggy-lips drooping upside-down so you can see her teeth.  It's the funniest thing!  This is not a dog who is self-conscious about her looks.  :-)

1 comment:

GypsyMama said...

My dog purrs too! He is just a little 6 1/2 lb yorkie mix but he sounds just like a cat when he purrs. I love it:)