Monday, January 03, 2011

siren song

The boys had a friend over today.  This friend knows about all kinds of free internet game sites.  Unfortunately they are absolutely useless,  mind-numbing games.  Look how zombified they all are, when only one of them is even playing! 
I let them play for a while today (last day of vacation), but I warned them that starting tomorrow, those games are banned until the weekend.  They are exactly the same as T.V. which is banned from our house entirely.  Maybe I'll ban those games entirely.  There are lots of fun educational games to be found online!
I'm looking forward to the moaning and groaning when they realize I am serious.


Mama said...

If I could go back and do one thing differently in my parenting, it would be to NEVER have gotten that TV! My youngest two were most definitely adversely affected by watching it, which set one of them up for spending WAY TOO much time in front of computer screens... So BE TOUGH while you still have some control!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh...PBS is the only thing that keeps me sane. My boys are WAY too active. I know that sounds weird...but, it's true.

They feel that sitting in front of the television is torture! Even if my oldest is sick...he will throw a HUGE tantrum when I try to make him stay down. I've trained them to watch 4 PBS shows in the morning.

It's the only way I can keep them inside until after dawn. I'm sure our neighbors appreciate us not having screaming kids outside at 6am...between 5:30 and 6:30 (when PBS starts) I have them clean their rooms, make their beds, put away laundry, and eat breakfast.

The recent cold snap...(high of 15 for 5 days) about drove me (and them) crazy!!! They couldn't go outside!