Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Note to my missionary brother in the MTC

Hi Elder Frandsen!
This is just a note on a Wednesday morning as I'm trying to get the boys to wake up and come downstairs by blasting "The Imperial March" from the stereo.  Think it'll work?  :-)  Mama and Daddy used to wake us up when we were little by singing the Cougar fight song ("Wake up! The Cougars are out!).  I found a Youtube video of the song and tried that, but The Imperial March works better.  We're not big enough BYU sports fans around here, I guess.
I hope you are doing well.  Our home teacher came last night and gave us the presidency message from this month's Ensign, which was on missionary work.  We talked about you in the MTC, and how you basically grew up with a sibling on a mission almost continuously from the time you were 4 years old.  That's awesome.  You are that example for my boys!
OK, I've got 2 out of 3 downstairs now, that's a start!
I love you and hope you have a great day!



Anonymous said...

I thought it was "Rise and shout?"

Gabrielle said...

Ha! That shows how bad of a BYU fan I am. It is Rise and Shout! I'm a doofus. :-)

Anonymous said...

That's okay...I don't even know why I remembered it. I'm a traitor...I transferred from the Y, and graduated from the U. I'm totally a Ute. :)

Mama said...

Well, I love BYU, and I was even in the Cougar Marching Band for a semester, and I did know it was "Rise and Shout, the Cougars are out!" but that's as much as I could sing -- I can play it on the flute, but I think it was Daddy who sang it to you kids, not me:)

Anonymous said...

I was telling Matt (also a Ute) that I didn't even know the UofU fight song, but I knew all the music and some of the words to the BYU was straight to youtube and a lot of...YES! it's TOTALLY awesome! Much better than the BYU song! Can we go to bed now!?!