Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy 14th anniversary to us!

Ben and I have been married 14 years!!  That is amazing.  14 years before THAT, I was 6 years old.  (I know I do this every year.  I will keep doing it 6 more years at which point it will not make any sense to say "And 21 years before THAT I was -1 year old!")
This last year has been a great one. 
Here's to growing another year older together, Benny!
Ben carried me like this for TWO MILES on a hike in St. George, UT last week.  What a guy!


Jill T said...

Wow. That is impressive! And good job on the 100 meters!

StrykerLOVE said...

Your hair is so pretty here! Good luck in july - I just finished my preceptorship on the bone marrow cancer/transplant floor at LDS hospital and loved it! I want to work there. (I am sure though its different from your perspective ;)

Kelly said...

Ah, what a strong and awesome husband you have, Gabby! Happy anniversary!